I believe it is fleshed out. Always been bad with 'heroic' alias names. So figured he would just 'earn' one eventually. [hider=Markus] Name: Markus Douglas Nicknames/Aliases: None, yet X-Men Code Name: None, yet Gender: Male Age: 20 Physical Description: Markus is a just shy of 7' tall red head coated in a full layer of body hair due to a secondary mutation in his system. Similar to how some, like Hank McCoy, the full layer of hair happened only after finding out about the main mutation in his system. Body structure wise he appears as if would be a professional weight lifter. And the truth is, was aiming to become one. When not out in the public, will most likely be spotted wearing jeans, t-shirts, and work boots. While traveling through public locations, a trench coat and wide brimmed hat is often worn as well to keep unwanted eyes off his stand out hairy form. Mutations: Pheromone control and manipulation - He is still learning ways to use the power he has. A great deal of when it tends to happen is when fear of being called a 'freak' kicks in and those around don't spot him and just seems to blend in with crowds. And has a few times caused a spark of love to take hold. Increased hair growth - As in even if cut or trim his hair, a few hours later would be back to grown out. Head always has a full head of hair and remaining body almost always has at least half inch of body hair. Personality: Strong willed and will not turn back on friends. Will protect them best he can. Though not one to easily call someone a friend. Background: Coming from a rather average family, he was given the suggestion early on to be a professional weight lifter. At a young age was always working on improving body and not so much social side like many of his fellow class mates in school. Without ever going to any social gatherings, many just never bothered to befriend the guy. The limited he did become friends with were always watched out for. Even if it caused Markus to take a beaten to protect a friend in trouble. Recap of your mutations awakening: He was protecting his closest friend from a gang of six thugs. All with knives and great deal stronger then he was at the time. Being his normal guardian mentality when coming to friends, the fight started badly as got cuts to arms right off the bat. Then when got angry at being a failure to his friend, the first time released the pheromones occurred. All the thugs got stricken with complete and utter fear. They each became whimpering babies as tripped over each other to run off. Since then, no one knew of even what happened besides that one close friend. (Who is unnamed and not figured out yet.) [/hider]