[hr][hr] [center][color=D9E0F9][h1]Tiffany Lyle[/h1][/color] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/0e4671b27ee23dadf88043abeab2a8f6/tumblr_inline_mxqlq2ImPs1su7yy5.gif[/img] [i]Newnan Mess Hall [/I][/center] [hr][hr] This seemed to be vastly different than Franklin's set up. Where in Franklin they were allowed to roam with their weapons on them with no trouble, Newnan seemed to have a system set up. She didn't like the idea of disarming herself, but she had very little choice. She handed over her gun, ammo, bow, and arrows and whatever else they wished from her and listened to their instructions. She thought about it for a bit as they detailed the plan. Did she want to stay here? It seemed a far better place than anything else she's seen. And since Ray was now going to stay (she hoped they wouldn't force a legless man out into the open again), she figured she may as well see if she could be of use here. She could do well with a stable place to live. She followed the others into the Mess Hall where she was given food. They had a better assortment of food here, it seemed, so there was a plus. She was worried for Ray and the other boy and would see if she could check on them when she was allowed to walk around. Though she figured they had a competent medical team here. She sat and waited for things to get underway. She was a bit tired and could do well with some rest.