At least my fucking dogs are safe. XP Though they lick themselves...probably don't have much honor. That's so stupid. Talking during the RP is just as important, if not more important than before it even begins. You gotta make sure and gauge how people are feeling with tone and plot. I would hate to have someone go silent on me. It's like, you gotta do all the plotting yourself until they voice a complaint and it's like...yeah if you talked more, you'd probably be more happy with how shit is progressing. I mean if my partner isn't happy, I'm not happy. Some people give zero fucks out of nowhere. It's bullshit. I keep trying to pull you into a group RP but they are tricky. I was gonna ask how the power rangers thing was going but I hadn't seen you posting much so I figured it might have been dead already. :/ People are dicks man. Whole planet full of dicks. It's crazy. The world is crazy.