Dogs. Now with edible honor. Naaah I wont dishonor your dogs... yet. But that's the thing: I pretty much DID discuss everything by myself with the last three partners I had to let go, because I think they just 'go with the flow', but I like a flow that has a direction we float down the river towards. And then they cry like a little bitch when it's like, "I WANTED TO ASK ABOUT THIS BUT YOU WEREN'T SAYING SHIT YA DUMB BITCH!" Uh, the PR RP is... slow because homeboy has a busy schedule irl and I assume that's what made him stop updating us on the OOC he had the write. But the Interest Check to OOC period is just dangerous because how people feel at the time won't match how they feel if you took, say, a week or two to get the OOC up. It's not going anywhere. I was excited to prep my OC ahead of time but the lack of updates put that to a stop. And I think I'm going to end up working with people who do the bare minimum. That's the problem with doing anything casual when you know you're not a casual writer. Others have an excuse to not care. Maybe it was a mistake to put in interest after all.