So, after months away, I'm looking to get back into writing. These are just a few of my muses. I do have more, and all have starters. I'm happy to discuss plots for them, though I do have ones I'd like to do later. -- Rachel Peters: Rachel is 21 years of age, and tends to keep herself to herself. Though she has no problems with her sexuality, she's not very public with it. She is currently studying Art and Design at a small community college whilst also working as a baker in a local cake shop. During her time at school, she was often bullied and teased for her shy nature, red hair and sexuality. The later of which lead to a traumatic and terrifying experience. Her father, in an attempt to "straighten her out" sexually assaulted her over a number of months, before raping her to try and force her into liking men. Never too confident before, this knocked her confidence down even more. As a result of this, she stopped attending school and ultimately dropped out at just 16. She became incredibly closed off and refused to really leave her bedroom in fear of her father's wrath and abuse escalating furthermore. The abuse continued until Rachel was 18 years old, and she confided in her big sister, breaking down in her arms as all spilt out. The redheaded woman now lives in her sister's apartment with her, though spends a lot of time with her best friend too. These are the only two people she fully trusts, though she hasn't yet told her bestie about what happened with her father. --- Tabby Jason: Tabby is transgender, and was born male. She doesn't identify as such, however, and no longer uses the name Toby. She instead goes by Tabitha or Tabby. She's 18 years of age, and prefers the company of women to men. She simply tends to make friends with women more easily. She is attracted to women, though finds approaching the subject of love and relationships more difficult than that of her gender identity. Though quite shy and soft-spoken, when Tabby has warmed up to another person, she is bubbly, bright and loves to laugh. She does struggle with her self-confidence and how she views her own body, not really liking to undress in front of anybody, nor a mirror if she can help it. At 16, she began hormones treatment, something she is still undertaking. --- Henry Thorpe: At twenty years of age, Henry Thorpe is a kindly young man, who was unfortunate enough to contract meningitis at 19, which left him with a complete loss of hearing in his right hand side, as well as problems with his speech, though he tries not to let these facts get him down at all. Though, he does wish he was able to speak a little bit more clearly, so that is is easier for people to understand him when he is talking to them. Another unfortunate side-effect was almost complete memory loss, barely recalling who he was, where he lived and such. For the most part, he has lost his entire memory, however, only knowing one person, His best friend and the person he loves, (Y/C). Having grown up in a children's home, he never really had a family, so, in a way, it can be seen as a good thing that he never did, as it's one less thing for him to try and recall, though it also means that there aren't as many people to help support him through times of trouble.