[b][March 16th 2126 - 3:35pm][/b] No matter how hard I try, I always end up coming back to Wonderland. It was one of many shithole bars in this giant cesspit of the city, but at least the drinks are cheap and the clientele are honest... at least more so than much of the scum you see round here. You see to much in my kind of work to believe in the goodness of humanity. My client died today. Killed, as a warning for me to stop digging my nose into the matters of the Falconis. That's the third time this month, and they were the few people brave enough to ask for help. As I always said, life looks a lot better through the bottom of a glass. Speaking of which... I tipped my glass in the direction of Alice, the damn fine owner of this crap heap. Such a shame that she batted for the other side. "Another drink, if you'd be sho kind," I said, a slight slur entering my voice, "I need to drown my sorrows..."