[@jagajac] [@Pink Madness] [@medalliah] [@pkken] [@rocketrobie2] "...How I act around town?" Richard says, confused. Violet's words didn't click with Richard. What had he done to make himself seem dishonorable? He worked hard, he trained every day, he always tried to be nice. Something wasn't clicking, and he decided quickly that it was just Violet being emotional about her pokemon getting hurt. Understandable, but now wasn't the time to let such things weight to heavily upon his mind. After all, he had battles to fight. "Fine then. I dunno who you are, punk, but I'd suggest if your pokemon is wounded, you get them in fighting conditions. If they aren't at one hundred percent, then they won't stand a chance..." Richard warns Lance, before he spies Violet's glare. "Same for you. If you wanna try to get past me, you'd better hope that potion has your Evee ready to throw down. Neither I, nor Ekans wants to fight a wounded creature." Richard adds. "Not sure bout Caterprie. Haven't gotten to know em to well." Richard admits. Caterprie, as if to answer this, darts forwards, attempting to tackle Lance's evee, finding an opening, and taking it of its own accord, making Richard jump. "Oi, don't do that!" Richard says, as Caterprie goes for its low blow. "Caterprie!" It shrieks.