[center][h2][color=00aeef]Martin Price[/color][/h2][/center] Nincada managed to free himself and had the time for a Harden. Martin was relived that he wasn't stuck, until it turns out even Tangela can use sleep moves. He knew he could dodge this one, unlike the sound of Sing. If he kept up the defense, then even if Nincada was asleep, the damage wouldn't matter at all. This was going to be a battle of who has the better luck. He spoke up his annoyance at the tactic to his opponent, [color=00aeef]"Are we really going down this path again? No bother, get out of the way and use another Harden. Let none touch you, Nincada."[/color] Nincada nodded and moved away from the spores, preparing another Harden. Defense was a lot easier when there was no concern for offense at the moment. The earlier Scratch was already wrote off as a wasted attack in Martin's mind. He should have just started with this tactic. A reminder for the next battles against a stronger opponent. Since Tangela couldn't move, staying out of range will be the easy part. The challenge will be when it's time to go back on the offense.