[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rxa8BBL.png[/img][/center] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Kaithas] [@NarayanK] Truth be told, Ben was thankful for the cavalry. Dealing with Amy and Lauren at the same time was a bit difficult. He knew how to placate Lauren (a hug and a burger usually did the trick, and letting her have her way worked otherwise) if he had to, and he knew she was having fun at his expense more than she was irritated. She [i]did[/i] look classy, with an unmistakably Lauren twist, but he wasn't going to let her slide by without some needling. Amy complicated things. Not only did she seem to be doing her level best to break his composure (and his sweatpants) she gave Lauren the most dangerous thing; an audience. With an audience or someone to play off of, she'd keep going forever. Sangue’s arrival distracted her, even though it brought a new wrinkle. The man she dragged along with her was clearly someone she knew (father, maybe? No. Too young) but he didn't exactly leave Ben at ease. Sangue was very trusting, which meant her judgement wasn't always the best. And something about him made Bastille’s leader a little wary, bringing his thoughts into focus despite his fatigue. [color=00aeef]”Hey, Sangue.”[/color] He greeted warmly, slipping his shield off and leaning it against the wall next to him. His stance widened a little, seeking stability, while he slipped his thumbs into his pockets. Stable, casual, but ready. No one suspicious was allowed around her, not without some explanation. Still. No need to be unfriendly if he was okay. [color=00aeef]”Mind introducing us to your friend? I don't think we've met.”[/color]