Hey guys, so Ive been roleplaying for a year or so, but I'm really new to this website. I just wanted to go ahead and say my character idea before I go to the work of making a CS for him if that's okay. So my idea is for a governer who controls a loose line of systems, generally known as the "slag belt". It is in this belt that most of the Criminal activity in the imperium takes place, whether it smuggling, Gang activity etc. The governer would be deeply connected with several of the most powerful gangs in the imperium, and would be in control of a vast network of criminals across the Many systems in the Imperium. I'm planning on fleshing some of the larger gangs out, with individual motives and NPCS. Because of these connections, he is one of the richest men in the Imoerium due to his smuggling and blood operations. Basically his role would be as the only connection of information to the Imperium, responsible for the bribes and illegal weapons manufacturing. Let me know if this sounds good to you guys. Thanks for any help!