Lance looked over to see violet tending to her Pokémon, though she might join in the battle he didn't plan to count on her for support. [color=f26522]"My Pokémon are fine, as for the caterpie you just acquired maybe not"[/color] Caterpie didn't seem like it was at 100%, [color=f26522]"You speak about a for fight but your Pokémon aren't even at 100%"[/color] Lance folded his arms, soon enough caterpie launched at Eevee, tackling Eevee and forcing him to slide backs a couple inches. [color=f26522]"E on guard, this should be quick , use caterpie fatigue to your advantage, stay on alert for his Ekans just incase."[/color] Eevee nodded and then lower its body to launch at caterpie. [color=f26522]"Tackle straight at the center of caterpies body"[/color] Lance order. Eevee projected his body straight for caterpie at a rate slightly faster then tackle thanks to a slight boost. [@rocketrobie2][@supertinyking][@medalliah][@jagajac][@Masterkeun]