[center][h1][i][color=slategray]Cirrus[/color] and [color=lightgreen]Erissa[/color][/i][/h1][img]http://i.imgur.com/od1AJK7.jpg?1[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/Lcf39xN.png[/img][/center] In the humdrum of human life, two small figures flitted past, gossamer wings stirring the air ever so slightly. One shone like an emerald, her pretty elfish face sporting a smile despite the bored expression on it. Beside her was a slightly larger, darker bony form with a perpetual sneer on his face. It wasn't uncommon for the two to venture out into the concrete jungle humans call home. It was, in a way, a hobby of theirs to watch and wait, sometimes playing pranks on the unsuspecting, sometimes leading children away with them and sometimes rewarding the rare worthy. Both landed soundlessly on the branch of the largest tree in the park. [color=Lightgreen]"Look at these humans, going on with their lives, taking everything for granted. It is such a shame to see them waste that opportunity to love and be truly loved,"[/color] Erissa sighed, leaning her heart shaped face onto her hand. [color=slategray]"What are you talking about, my dear Erissa? It is quite amusing to see them flounder and look for meaning in their mundane lives. Betrayal, jealousy. It's all so marvelously delicious. Why, look at these young humans,"[/color] the darker Cirrus pointed a crooked finger at a young couple. [color=Slategray]"Pretending to be in love when there is barely anything there. Tomorrow will never be better."[/color] he cackled. [color=lightgreen]"It is a pity but there are some that make it through somehow. Love will always find a way,"[/color] a dreamy look settled over Erissa's face as she looked towards the park bench. An old couple sat there, sharing a sandwich and reminiscing about their love filled lives together. A rare sight. One that Erissa delighted in seeing. Cirrus shook his head, an almost disgusted look on his face. [color=slategray]"Will it?"[/color] he asked as he turned his gaze towards the old couple Erissa was looking at. He couldn't deny that there was real love there. Nevertheless, he challenged the fairy of the Shining Throne. [color=slategray]"Would you put your life on the line for that hopeless belief?"[/color] A brilliant smile pulled the edges of Erissa's lips up, all traces of boredom gone from her face. [color=lightgreen]"Is that a wager I hear in your voice?"[/color] A sinister smile lit the dark fairy's face up. [color=slategray]"But of course. The winner shall receive eternal servitude of the loser."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"I believe we have ourselves a deal."[/color] Erissa's wings fluttered excitedly. [color=lightgreen]"Now, who will our subjects be?"[/color] Her olive green eyes shifted from one person to the other, carefully considering all that passed by the park. [hider=OOC] [@dabombjk] [@BlackPanther] [@Caits] [@Light the Dark] [@Kaalee] [@Kidd] [@Neno 1445] [@Ashevelendar] Okay, so here it is. So, this post does not necessarily require your character to be in the park or passing through it. Feel free to interact with each other if your characters know each other. Also feel free to post as much as you want. I'll wait for everyone's intro post (including mine for Nico) to be up before I post the next GM update. Or if not, GM update will still go up in three days time. [/hider]