[h2] [color=gold]Tachi[/color] [/h2] [hr] Tachi rubbed lightly ran a straight razor over his face cleaning it of the very little facial hair he grew since he last shaved. After cleaning up his face he grabbed some styling gel and rubbed his hands together with it styling his hair. Today he was being paid extra from a bachelorette party. He was not a huge fan of working those, but extra money is extra money. He pulled on his outfit and signed at his image. The old cop cliche. At least the pants were black. He slipped on the sunglasses to complete the look and gave a light spritz of cologne on his neck. Now Tachi was ready. A quick look at his watch and he headed out. Techie's walk was filled with confidence. After all, his entire profession was based on his looks. A glance at a piece of paper with the address written on it told him he was almost there. A slow smile appeared on his face and he did his best cop knock. A woman opened the door and by the way she lit up, she was probably one of the ones that called in for him...oddly he wass asked for specifically, but again more money so whatever. That smile was still on his face and he nodded. [color=gold]"There was a call"[/color] The woman seemed like she was about to split from excitement and waved him inside. He looked at all the women who currently had not noticed him yet. Now that smile turned into a grin as he clapped. [color=gold]"All right ladies. There was a complaint called in"[/color] The woman who was clearly the bride as labelled by her shirt with the word bride scrolled on it started whispering with a concerned tone. She stood. [b]I have no idea wh-[/b] Tachi lightly put his finger on her lips and slipped off his sunglasses. [color=gold]"A complaint that this party was sorely lacking in the stripper department"[/color] The bride had a confused expression that slowly evolved into realization and then a crimson color spread on her pale face. He spun her and moved against her before his shirt came off. By the squeals he heard meant he was apparently doing a good job. Lovely.