[centre][h1][color=a187be]Caity George[/color][/h1][/centre] [i]Beep....Beep....Beeeeeep.....BEEEEEEP....[/i] A pale hand scrabbled out from underneath the cocoon of blankets Caity had wrapped herself in. Why did mornings have to come so early every morning? She flicked the alarm off with a groan, her hand flopping down onto the top of the nightstand once the blaring alarm was finally silenced. She loved working at the library, but it had yet to make a morning person out of her. Slowly, she untangled herself from the cocoon, purple hair sticking up at all angles. Good thing she was single - her morning bed-head would scare off any man. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, Caity let the wall of her bedroom come into focus as she slowly woke up. [color=a187be][i]If I don't get up now, I'll fall back asleep... up we get... up we...get...any moment now...[/i] "Fuck."[/color] With that muttered oath, Caity forced herself out of bed. A shower and a half a pot of coffee later - with most of the rest of it in a thermos to drink on the way - Caity was out the door. If she woke up earlier, she could have possibly walked the mile and a half to work. But there was no way she was waking up a half an hour earlier. Getting up at 7 was hard enough. Having to get up earlier was also the main reason she didn't do her hair or make-up on days she worked - she'd rather spend that time getting her beauty sleep. Driving it was. Besides, she had to go grocery shopping later - not that instant noodles counted as groceries. But they were cheap, and since [i]that hellhole[/i] had closed, she had to cut her budget somewhere. She couldn't pay her rent, and her student loans, and afford gas, and eat. Grammie would feed her, she knew, but Caity hated to put the burden on her grandmother. She reached the library, grabbed her purse and her coffee from the car, and began the trek from the furthest space in the lot to the comfort of the library. At least there she'd be able to forget about her own troubles for a while.