[color=aba000][center][h2]- Skubli - [/h2][/center][/color] [center][@Jangel13](Anyone can interact) [/center] [hr] Skubli's night was peaceful. After resting for most of the day, Skubli was vitalized while his siblings slept. He peacefully sat in his alcove, playing around with the small chunks of iron ore, contemplating them with great care. They were harder than anything he had encountered before, which wasn't saying much, however his sharp claws were unable to do more than scratch them, which thoroughly intrigued and disgruntled him. Skubli took pride in the sharpness of his talons, proud that they could excavate the stone when his siblings struggled to do the same. It gave him an edge over them that he had previously lacked. It wasn't that Skubli was trying to become superior to the other goblins; he merely felt like he was less of a Goblin than the rest. They had crazy strength, speed, and dexterity, while he was merely small and quiet. As Skubli's mind trailed off, so did his consciousness, leaving him to the darkness of his dreams. Many images appeared, most of them shadowy and indistinct. The beautiful fish once again reentered this tiny Goblin's dreamworld, leading him deeper into the black waters. He was once again tempted to follow them, but the fear of the water held him captive on shore. As their light faded, so did all conscious thought, and Skubli slept well into the next day. When he came to, he heard a vague mention of Kishi from Grandpa, however his voice echoed off of many rocks from a fair distance away and not all could be heard. Skubli drowsily woke himself up and headed out into the cave, ready to greet the new day. Skubli resumed his exploration of the cave, eager to find any other crevices he could possibly locate. The idea of exploring was thrilling to Skubli, and for a brief moment, the thought of venturing out of the cave to investigate the outside world crossed the runt's mind, however he quickly pushed it aside. Without a companion, he would most certainly fall prey to the first beast he encountered. After a good deal of searching the cave, Skubli wandered over to the mouth of the cavern, dejected that he hadn't discovered anything else of interest. The breeze that filtered into the room drew Skubli's attention, and he briefly considered venturing out alone. He sat there for quite some time, pondering if he should leave the cave alone.