[hider=Draco] [url]http://pin.it/KzRnMF3[/url] Name: Corinth Haversford Nicknames/Aliases: Corin X-Men Code Name: Draco Gender: Male Age: 20 Physical Description: Corinth is 6'1 in his human form. His hair is dark brown and his eyes are gold. He is very muscular. He normally wears jeans, a t-shirt and his leather jacket withsunglasses to cover his rather unusual eyes. He often has a duffel bag with him that has an extra pairof clothes. Mutations: Dragon Physiology- Western Dragon. Corinth can shift into a dragon. Currently it is limited to his emotions and is very unstable. His dragon form has black gold scales. He is unable to fly currently and is immune to fire. His heat scales havemt developed properly yet so he can't breathe fire as of yet, but can breathe hot steam. He stands 10 feet tall with a length of around 20 feet. He also is growing spines which is a bit painful. His human body has also gained more muscle mass amd is more durable than most, his bones being denser and stronger and his skin resistant to cuts amd scrapes. Corinth is also having a "second puberty " caused by his awakening mutation. He grows an inch or so every few weeks. Personality: Corinth is a very active person. He likes being around people, yet often fears his mutation will hurt them... as a massive raging dragon is a bit hard to deal with. He is a collector, collecting various geodes and crystals. He has a strong will and is incredibly stubborn. He also gets angry when met with failure. He also is highly competitive. Background: Corinth grew up in a family with two other siblings, of which he is the eldest. At birth it was weird as he had his golden eyes. But nothing was thought of it at the time. He showed excellent growth, growing into an active child and plaing in all kinds of sports, of which hos favorite was football. He took this into highschool which is where he came out to his parents at age 16. Being a rather open minded sort they accepted him and all was well, until the bullying amd bashing started. Corinth proved his indomitable will and strength throughout his last years in high school. Until the day he learned why his eyes were gold, and he liked shiny things so much. After the event, his family got in contact with the institute to get him a chance to get his education, having heen expelled and missing half a year. Recap of your mutations awakening: It happened at homecoming. He was being hazed after the game and the others decided to bring his sister into it when she yelled at them to stop. The next thing he remembers was waking up in a hospital bed, family all arpund him worried. He had shifted for the first time that day and a fire had started. To protect the others he threw himself, wings outstretched in the path to get his soster to safety. This had caused massive damage to the rather new membranes and created holes. The firemen pulled his naked form out from the rubble, shocked that he was relatively undamaged other than mild burns around his mouth and back. [/hider]