What time is it currently in the Sonika/Furnace/Minutemen/Others encounter? Edit: So Jake/Outsider was planning for overtime when he saw the encounter. That would place the encounter at 17-19? Unless he works irregular hours. Um. I don't know. Anyways. Disclaimer. Viola's an NPC that I'm simply manipulating right now for my own benefit, due to having created her as my character's sister to give Sheila a reason to exist. GMs/CO-GMs are free to take control of her from me at any time and change her any way they feel like. Unless anything else is said, though, I'll write her lines whenever someone answers. Anyways, yes. Viola will call the Minutemen at an unspecified late hour an unspecified day. Meaning, you can all get done with your current scene if you wish before responding, you can even say that Viola and Sheila's thing happened a different day (unless the GMs says that's not the case) to make things not happen one-after-another, and yupp. Simply make me aware when you do take the call. This also allows Wisp to make some headway before things happen, which I'd appreciate. Yell at me if there's any problems with this arrangement or someone disagrees. Yupp. That's all.