~Oh hell. What am I about to get myself into.~ It was this same thought that had been running through Girard's head as he surveyed the police line as well as the crowd behind it. He stood just inside one of the alleyways within eye shot of the whole debacle in his vigilante getup though he had his face mask up for the time being while he was alone. The plan in his mind was of course to be inside of that bank to get himself in between the robbers and the hostages but that was easier said than done with all of the cop presence surrounding the place. By the state everything was in he could tell things were not going well just by how nervous some of the officers were let alone the regular people watching to see just what was going to happen, the atmosphere was not a pleasant one nor would it continue to be if no one intervened beyond the police. From what he had seen in recent years they just couldn't manage all of this anymore which is why he did his nighttime escapades in an effort to put as many of the criminals in their place as he could which is what he had been planning to do before this whole mess. The big man got his mask back on and maneuvered his way further up though the alley to get closer overall to the bank trying to get an idea of where the baddies on the inside were. If he knew that much positioning himself to get at them would be simpler as he could easily strike or go through a wall to get a jump on the offenders. There was little chance he could just sneak into the place with all the attention surrounding the bank, not to mention his powers left him about as subtle as a wrecking ball unless he could set up ahead of time. He looked up at the helicopters moving overhead cursing them in his mind as getting around was made much more difficult when the cops had air support especially for someone as well know to them as Tank. The big guy sighed figuring he was going to have to get some distance and loop back around to get near any of the adjoining alleyway that could get him next to the bank noting another helicopter as well as a large feather that landed smack dab on the front of his helmet. He really hoped it was just a big seagull or something and pushed it out of his mind for the moment as his phone vibrated prompting him to have a quick look. The screen flashed up a certain Kit Kat's live stream for all there was of it which got a chuckle out of Girard before he turned it off and placed it back into his pocket. ~Wouldn't miss this for the world.~ He thought knowing there was no place he would rather be than ready and able to help the people of New Haven regardless of the risk. Sure he wasn't exactly on the legal side of things but he felt as if this was the only way he was going to get anything done while keeping himself out of the spotlight. The big guy wasn't the type to grandstand preferring to get it done and over with so he could enjoy the feeling of having done some good. Unlike the usual though he was going to end up more out in the open tonight with the public which had him glance out at the crowd again though he noticed something else that hadn't occurred before. Why in the hell was there a stray dog running around in all of this commotion and what was it doing here? It really was strange and it seemed focused on one guy in particular if he saw right but now wasn't exactly the time to question every strange thing he saw, he had to get himself over to that bank before shit hit the fan. The big man got some distance from where the cop's perimeter would be and checked to see how attentive the cops were on the particular street he needed to cross. Honestly they seemed far more concerned with what was going on behind them than their post so he quickly jogged across the gap while he had the chance. It occurred to him that he may or may not have been the only vigilante, or active one at least, on the site but he couldn't see any telltale signs of one of the others hanging around, not that he had seen many in the first place. If they were watching he had just been particularly visible a moment ago though he hoped if anything he could keep the attention off of them once this started rolling, better to have the shots coming at him than anyone else. --- Just below the streets of the ongoing bank robbery one very cranky Variant was awake and not happy about it in the slightest not to mention hungrier for it. Donovan McMillian was sat up against a cement wall rubbing his temples because the sirens and alarms above were giving him the biggest headache ever since some idiots decided to rob a bank where he had previously been sleeping. He decided to had a couple of his smallest worms get up to street level so he could see why in the hell the assholes in blue hadn't moved on yet. Truth be told he knew why already, most of them were so incompetent that vigilantes had to become a thing to maintain some form of order in this city. Of course they could always find time to go harassing people like him powered or not because what else better did they have to do eh? Not like there were actual problems to solve around the city like the crime rate or people treating Variants like animals. No not at all. Abomination closed his eyes and allowed himself to see through his tiny symbiotes above, one meant to stay outside on the street to track progress of the 'law enforcement' while the other one snuck itself under the door of the bank to let him see what was going on there. He gave a little more guidance to the one inside having it climb up on one of the walls to get a better view, far better than a fly on the wall in this case and almost impossible to see from any sort of distance. This was far more involved than he usually got with most of the major crime far preferring to pick off weak groups on the regular to get himself some money or food. After all the day to day was far more concerning to him than some rich prick's bank account because he was a scavenger at the best of times and stole from criminals at worst. Not like they really needed it, prison gave three square meals anyways and plenty of like minded idiots to beat up or otherwise. Admittedly Donovan didn't want to see the hostages get hurt but he was in a bad mood and in no hurry to move so he would sit this one out. Not to mention showing his face would probably trigger a manhunt for him in the tunnels/surrounding area once they were done dealing with the robbery. So staying where he was and observing was a win-win which was more than pleasing to the agitated man though if any of them tried to escape down his way letting off a bit of steam never hurt he supposed. ~Showtime.~He thought settling himself in for whatever might happen in the meantime.