Kali’s heart fluttered for a moment as the Goddess seemed to consider their request with a sigh, could perhaps their request perhaps have been too prying in nature she pondered for a moment, but these fears were misplaced as Cecilia began her tale. As her angelic voice began to weave the words to retell the tales of times long since past, Kali leaned closer, elbows planted firmly on the table as her fingers entwined beneath her chin, her eyes wide and gleaming with excitement. Kali had always had a fancy for the tales of adventure, perhaps as a mental escape to the almost mundane nature of her life. On nights when Bards had accompanied the travelling Merchants into town, she had found herself drawn to the large crowds, drawn into the stories and tales they recited. But none of those experiences could compare to hearing the epic stories of old spoken by a hero themselves. The mention of dragons could only make Kali’s eyes grow even wider with anticipation, her mind running wild with visions of what they must truly look like and how one would ever slay such a massive beast. Watching the Goddess shift, Kali’s attention remained unfaltering as the tale was spun, the closeness of the moment as this group of three shared tales of such a personal nature only added to the atmosphere. Hearing of Cecilia’s tale and all of the struggles, conflicts and the accomplishments sent shivers of excitement through Kali’s frame. [i][color=AAFF77]’Oh the life of a hero, it sounds so terrifying and yet so exciting! The challenges she must have faced, and the adversary she had to overcome!”[/color][/i]. However as she continued to listen to the tale, Kali’s heart quickening as it reached the climax, the loss of her lover gave the tale a bittersweet finale. Unlike the tales often woven by the Bards, real life often demanded sacrifices in events such as these and it seemed that Cecilia and those that had rallied around her had paid a heavy price for their victory. As the Divine Lady let out a soft sigh, her piercing gaze turned to her captive audience, no doubt curious for the reaction to the story that they had so pleaded for. Struggling with all the emotions the tale had stirred up inside her Kali managed to reply [b][color=AAFF77]”That sounds like such a wonderful and yet...tragic tale, to have slain a dragon..”[/color][/b] she paused her thoughts as she became lost in wonder for a moment before becoming continuing, more invigorated in her line of questioning now [b][color=AAFF77]”Surely for such a deed those that had doubted you like the crown realised their mistake right? And did you ever get to see Samantha again? As a Goddess were you able to communicate beyond the boundary of live and death like in some of the tales?”[/color][/b] Kali asked in quick succession, almost looking for a happier note for the story to end on as her own world view seemed to want to deny such a tragic end to the tale