[center][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjEyNzg2NTM4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzcxNzMwNjE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,625,1000_AL_.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Lily Murphy [b]Nicknames/Aliases[/b]: "Murph" [b]X-Men Code Name[/b]: X-ray, or "X" for short. [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Physical Description[/b]: Lily stands at about 5'1 with a small frame, weighing in at about 103 lbs. She has dark brown hair, and blue-green eyes with a light starburst around her pupils. Her body is free of tattoos or any major scars, although she does have a tongue piercing which her parents didn't necessarily approve of. [b]Mutations[/b]: X-Ray vision. Lily can see through anything or anyone. After heading off to the institute, she's been wondering more about her ability, wanting to figure out how to distinguish between layers. For example, if she's looking at a person, she wants to learn how to look at their muscular structure without necessarily looking at their bones in the process. [b]Personality[/b]: Lily is a sweet girl. She has a big heart for people who are somehow less fortunate than her, and she believes in “an eye for an eye”. Despite her angelic side, Lily has a rather short temper as well. She's what some people like to refer to as "OCD", and when things don't go her way, she'll show it. [b]Background[/b]: Born and raised into a middle-class family alongside twin older brothers, Lily had more or less the typical upbringing. Her mother is a criminalist, working at the local police department in the forensic lab, and her father, a criminal attorney, is known across town for being relentless and fierce in his job. All three children attended private school throughout their childhood, but Lily decided she wanted to attend a public high school during her freshman year, as much as her parents attempted to convince her otherwise, and eventually she got what she wanted. High school for Lily was the typical experience. She partied, had her own group of friends, dated one of the soccer players, and somehow maintained good grades. She also took Spanish as an elective and can speak some of it, although she prefers to just listen to it or read it. Lily was about to graduate when she received a letter from the Ashford Institute. Up to that point, Lily had more or less ignored her ability as much as she could, but it was then she broke down and told her parents everything, even showing them the letter. The entire family was in disbelief, to say the least, and after arguments, accusations, attempts at reconciliations, and desperate plans for the very near future, Lily decided to lock herself in her room and ignore them all. In the middle of the night, after the family had reluctantly gone to bed, Lily packed up her bags and snuck out. She left a note, kissed her dog goodbye, and set out to start this new adventure. [b]Recap of your mutations awakening[/b]: Lily learned of her abilities a couple of years back. At first, she thought she was hallucinating from some of the drugs she'd taken at one of those out-of-control high school parties, but reality hit her the day after that, when she was still seeing things. Because the internet has an answer to everything, Lily searched the web for a good amount of time before she became aware that mutants were a reality. Wise enough to know that these "superpowers" weren't mainstream for a reason, Lily decided it was best to keep quiet for as long as she could.