The realization that Markus was without his sword still hit Valerie like a stone. So her partner had no weapon other than the blunt instrument that was his shield and any magic he could still produce, and Valerie herself would be weakened by the wound she'd sustained for some time. She hoped they were lucky enough to avoid any more confrontations with orcs for the time being. But at least one of them still had their weapon. "We'll find a way back for it," she promised, though she wasn't sure how reasonable that was. They certainly weren't going back the way they came, and where they were now was unclear. Maybe there was no way back, or maybe it would be cut off by too many orcs to handle. It was impossible to say, but it was easy to see that Markus had a deeper connection to his weapon than Valerie had with hers. She gratefully accepted the water, and the bit of food. Even chewing was tiring, but Markus was right. She desperately needed the energy, and rest alone wouldn't provide that. "I'm sorry for ignoring you back there," she said, wincing as she swallowed. She took another drink. "It didn't look like you were going to make it without help. And I know I wouldn't, either. I think if we're going to survive this, it'll be together or not at all."