[@Sir Lurksalot] Almost done making my sheet, but i was suddenly struck with the realization that i probably fucked up the whole thing. Clarify some shit for me once you go online, please: 1) Would it be okay for a D-lister to be a dishonorably discharged marine who gained superpowers during a highly unlikely incident during a campaign and is now getting by as an unscrupulous and uninhibited mercenary? D in the rank comes from both bad publicity in certain circles, the fact that he simply doesn't do "non-lethal" and due to him only being employed by small-time military groups in south america and africa. Oh, and also because he is a socially inept asshole with a gung-ho attitude and complete lack of understanding of stealthy or peaceful approach - even though at heart the dude is actually pretty okay as a person, not inherently evil nor particularily vicious, but simply incapable of leading any other sort of lifestyle. 2) His power, as i imagined it, was to have his body be full of сonstantly burning white phosphorus, hence the alias Willy Pete. This bestows unto him resistance to extremes of temperature, a certain degree of super-durability (he actually has hardly any tissues or organs or anything important except white phosphorus under his skin) and makes his body shoot out a horrible gout of all-burning flame whenever he suffers even a moderately deep cut or laceration, plus lets him vomit streams of WP from his mouth at will, kinda like a flamethrower. Would that make the cut for a D-list power or is it too stronk? I sort of thought that the very fact that he actually can't fight anyone without burning everything around him to a cinder being a factor in him ranking low, but otherwise the power is very destructive n shit. Additionally i thought about giving him an opportunity to teleport around the world through large fires in order to justify him being able to be present in where the game takes place as opposed to some african warzone, but that level of mobility would probably kick him up in the ranks, right?