[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color]— Stillwater —[/center] Leisy watched in horror as her friends sprouted monstrous features, growing bigger and bigger as they did. [i]Wait — they’re not getting bigger,[/i] Leisy realized, looking around at herself in horror. [i]I’m getting smaller![/i] A squeezing pressure could be felt throughout her body almost as if some impossibly heavy weight were laid upon her, flattening Leisy and causing her to sprawl to the ground in shock. Slowly, the pressure eased off, and Leisy hopped back up onto her feet with remarkable ease, legs and clothes folding and securing themselves into place. [i]I can feel the air moving past me,[/i] she thought, revelling in the bitterly cold breeze that took away what little warmth she had left. [i]Neither cold nor hot — lacking temperature of any sort.[/i] Giving her arms a flick, Leisy found that she could no longer retract them as she would before; rather, they bent as they came towards her, splitting the wind as they did. Light reflected off of her arm in proof of how impossibly smooth and fine her limb had become, and a light turn showed her that her arm was now alike paper — two-dimensional and so thin every movement seemed to stir the currents of that air around her into a light gust. An idea entered her mind, and before she could resist it Leisy knelt down and slashed at the yellowing grass beside her, her arm moving through the patchy grass so easily that at first it didn’t seem like the movement had any effect. Then, almost like after a moment of thought, the blades of grass folded upon themselves and fell, creating a smooth lawn of yellow. Looking over it, Leisy felt a surge of fear and pleasure. The world was in her hands, able to be trimmed and cut however she’d like. [hr][hider=Leisy’s Pokedex] [b]Rank: [/b]Skilled [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [b]TP:[/b] 121 +1 +1(HHG bonus) +3(sunrise) = 126 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 3 [*]Greatball x 2 [*]Rare Candy x 2 [*]Twisted Spoon [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Bidein “Dei” ♂ — Fletchinder (10 +1 = 11) [*]Naunet ♀ — Piplup (10 +1 = 11) [*]Devinco “Devi” ♂ — Larvitar (8 +1 = 9) [*]Cassia “Sia” ♀ — Ekans (1) [*]Tyrus ♂ — Gastly (2) [*]Animo “Nemo” ♂ — Sewaddle (1) [/list][/hider] [@luckyblackcat] [@lugubrious] [hr] [center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color]— Ironforge —[/center] “Right,” Marvin Terra said, setting his elbows on his desk and knitting his fingers together. “The [i]mission.[/i]” [color=indianred]“… Marvin, what are you doing here? Where’s your father?”[/color] Shanae asked, sighing. While she had time on her hands, she’d rather not spend it amusing some spoiled fifteen-year-old that sat in his father’s chair and pretended to be mature all day long. “I’m asserting my status as company president. Duh?” Marvin asked. Shanae mentally face-palmed. [color=indianred]“Marvin, you’re not going to be president until your father returns. And he’s not about to if you keep on goofing around in his workplace,”[/color] Shanae chided. [color=indianred]“Give him a call and tell him that I’m here about his mission. Go on — if you do, I’ll even let you tag along on the mission,”[/color] she said. [color=indianred]“If your father agrees, that is.”[/color] [hr][hider=Shanae’s Pokedex] [b]Rank: [/b]Skilled [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [Founder] [b]TP:[/b] 26 +1 +1(HHG) +3(sunrise) = 31 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 2 [*]Evolution Shard x 1 [*]Great Ball x 1 [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Ebon ♂ — Houndour (7 +1 = 8) [*]Turris ♂ — Aron (7 +1 = 8) [*]Dius ♂ — Trapinch (5 +1 = 6) [*]Amatorius ♂ — Jigglypuff (7) [*]Alcedo “Alci” ♀ — Joltik (2) [*]Otiosus “Oti” ♂ — Lombre (5) [*]Endymion “Endy” ♂ — Lapras (10) [hider=Pokemon Reserves:][list][*]♀ — Hoppip (1) [/list][/hider][/list][/hider][hr] 131 CP