[@Mae] So here's something I made, I hope you don't mind that I ended up going towards a some what comedic route with this ^^; As for combat, I'd say I'd either have a one hand and shield or a two handed weapon. And maybe something that could let me set stuff on fire because fire is pretty. [hider=Swaggolishous Snarky Dwarf] [center][h3][color=orange][b]Svegg[/b][/color][/h3] [color=deeppink][b]Strength: ★★[/b][/color] || [color=mediumspringgreen][b]Dexterity: •[/b][/color] || [color=gold][b]Cunning: ★★[/b][/color] || [color=deepskyblue][b]Spirit: -[/b][/color] || [color=A625E7][b]Knowledge: •[/b][/color] || [color=lightcyan][b]Luck: ★★★[/b][/color] [color=gold][b]Level:[/b][/color] 1 || [color=gold][b]Deaths:[/b][/color] 0 [/center] [hider=Svejj][indent] [color=mediumspringgreen][b]Gender[/b][/color] Male [color=mediumspringgreen][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Svegg stands at a very intimidating 1 foot 10 inches, effectively making him on the shorter side of things and not very receptive to dwarf jokes even if he is kind of like one. His chin already has a stubble, proof that he will one day grow an impressive beard no doubt. He's short, he's strong, he's stout and he got a temper. The fact his limbs are short and require him to half-waddle half-walk only adds to the comedic factor. He's not the strongest, or largest, but has it where it counts. [color=mediumspringgreen][b]Personality:[/b][/color] It is said that the Hivemind puts a bit of himself into every Ig when they are born. If that's the case, the Hivemind must have been extremely salty right around the time Svegg was made as he can be described as simply as being a "Lil' Ball o' Snark." His great mind creates endless amounts of snark and sarcasm, of which not all Ig can fully understand but he does so anyways just because he can. He would be a great philosopher however, perhaps even one dedicated to the exploration of what it means to be an Ig, if he wasn't constantly complaining about things. He also has the most unique voice of all Ig which has been described from "harsh" to "charming" to "full of waffles". Needless to say, one could say that the Hivemind fucked up Svegg's creation process at some point and you won't be hard pressed to find evidence or supporters. [/indent] [color=deeppink][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [list][*][color=deeppink][b]Scan:[/b][/color] Allows you to gain information on enemies you fight. Initial scans grant minimal information, with subsequent scans perfect your knowledge. This ability can be used once every three turns[/list] [color=A625E7][b]Inventory:[/b][/color][indent][color=A625E7][b]Magical Items:[/b][/color][list][*][/list] [color=A625E7][b]Equipment:[/b][/color][list][*][/list] [color=A625E7][b]General Items:[/b][/color][list][*][/list][/indent][/hider] [/hider]