The two shuttlecraft from the trader vessel were tightly sealed to a flat surface of metal that was 90 degrees to the surface where Xeraphiel was standing on. They were high above his head as if clinging to the side of a wall. He craned his neck to look up at them. It being space, the techmarine simply jumped onto the wall with his magnetic feet and began walking toward the shuttles. "Up" had a new direction. The vessels were powered, but were also dark and vacant. It was obvious that the crew had gone straight through the underside into the hulk just moments ago. If he had intent to follow them, then he would have to traverse into the spacehulk from the same point. Fortunately, the traders had already cut an opening. Xepherial raised his left, black gauntlet over the door mechanism, holding it only an inch away. A specialized dentrite snaked from his wrist and began signalling to the shuttle controls. Xepherial had no intent of damaging the shuttle, for all creatures and artifacts that embodied knowledge were sacred. Convincing the machine to override the safety protocols and open its door would be far more efficient and less blasphemous than plasma-cutting through ceramite. The two beings argued at the speed of electric impulses traveling through circuits and neurons until an agreement was reached. Xepherial had won. "Comprehension is the key to all things." He affirmed as the seal split, and pressure briefly escaped the cabin. Passing into the hulk, there was air pressure. Sensors detected it was breathable, at least for a neigh-immortal space marine. What was more, there was sound, and a new direction for gravity. The techmarine landed loudly, armored feet against metal floor, as he responded to the readings his poweraromor supplied. Ancient generators were supplying artificial gravity somewhere in this place, maintaining a level akin to native Terra. It was a strange fact that sentient life didn't often develop on planets with gravitational extremes. There was only one direction his targets could have gone, and so Xepherial began following. It wasn't long before a freshly cut opening in a metal wall revealed the path his quarry had taken. Cutting a door would have slowed them down, so they must have been close. Xepherial kept his senses on high alert. He wasn't exactly silent, but neither was the slowly flexing conglomeration of broken ships and asteroid. Deeper and deeper he traversed. Disturbances in the dust on the floor betrayed the tracks of Fio'Ui, Joran, Nykerio, and Naamah, helping Xepherial know which way to turn in the large open chambers. There wasn't much light, and the ship he was in appeared to be well devoid of any other life. As he walked, he brought up the display of the signal source he had recorded from the small, incinerated Imperial craft he had visited outside and was impressed to find the traders seemed to be heading directly for it. Cooincidence couldn't yet be ruled out, however. The display vanished and Xepherial's bolter swung in the direction of a flash of movement in the corner. ... Trained on the location, Xepherial was fully ready to fire, but no enemy showed itself. Whatever that had been, it was gone, but it had revealed itself. After a quick 360 scan, Xepherial returned to his pursuit.