[hider=Rosepaw][color=darksalmon][b]Name:[/b][/color] Rosepaw -> (Will be [b]Rosebriar[/b] when grown) [color=darksalmon][b]Tribe:[/b][/color] WaveTribe [color=darksalmon][b]Age/stage in training:[/b][/color] 7 moons | Shaman Apprentice [color=darksalmon][b]Mentor:[/b][/color] Moonfur [color=darksalmon][b]Generic size:[/b][/color] Tiny and petite, will most likely grow up to be small in size. She isn't very strong physically but she makes up for it by being light and quick on her paws. [hider=Appearance] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/266ff959d774cdba4aaed699a75cb59e/tumblr_ol1mlbXdS21v9pr3so1_1280.png[/img] [/hider] [color=darksalmon][b]Background:[/b][/color] On the opposite end of the spectrum from her brother Wildpaw, Rosepaw was content to stay within the confines of the camp. There was enough there to keep her occupied and busy. Besides, she knew that soon she would become an apprentice and be able to leave the camp with permission. Rosepaw normally spent her days flitting around camp asking cats if she could help and staring up at them with pleading eyes. Most of them humored her, sending her on "missions" to fetch pebbles or sticks. It generally kept her busy. However, when she wasn't occupied with this, Rosepaw would follow her brother around. She didn't do it to annoy him or seem over-bearing, she just wanted to keep him safe like any big sister would. She did this so much it became a habit. When Wildpaw decided he was going to go adventuring outside of the camp, Rosepaw's desire to keep him safe briefly over-ruled the Tribe's rules. It was just as well that she followed him, especially when he got scratched by the adder. Rosepaw had run as fast she her little legs could carry her back to camp, shrieking and yowling to any adult that would listen. For the first time in her life, Rosepaw was panicking. Greycloud heard her and raced out of the camp. Rosepaw was forced to wait, fretfully pacing until Wildpaw was carried back and taken into the Shaman's den. Rosepaw had been so worried and felt so helpless that in the days of Wildpaw's recovery, Moonfur allowed her to help nurse her brother back to health. This then sparked the idea to become a Shaman, so she would have the knowledge and the power to help others. She didn't want to feel helpless ever again. [color=darksalmon][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Rosepaw emits a calm and reserved aura. She is quite adept at patience despite her age and while not nearly as energetic as her brother, she still contains a type of energy that bespeaks of determination and the will-power to succeed. She isn't one to quit early on and is patient enough to see it to the end. She enjoys caring for others and tends to put the well-being of others before her own. With a thirst for knowledge, Rosepaw seeks out the unknown and can become very excited at the prospect of something new. When given a task, she throws herself into it with fever. She becomes determined to give it her all and do the best that she is able. However, this could also count as a flow. Rosepaw's desire to complete the task perfectly could leave her unable to see how well she's already done and instead push herself to do better, maybe pushing herself [i]too[/i] hard in the end.[/hider]