[@LuckyBlackCat] The morning started as it usually did for Tommy, with the trumpet player greeting the sun with a smooth jazz tune that also woke up his Pokemon, except for Amica, who was awake with her trainer at the same time each day. Beta and Jerus danced with the tune while Epsilon looked on in tired entertainment. After a few minutes, the aspiring trainer put down his trumpet and got ready for the day, which took just over half an hour to do. When all was said and done, he headed out after returning everyone but Amica and approached Cici's door, knocking on it. "Hey Cici, you up yet?" [hr] [hider=Notes] Tommy: TP: 47+1+3=51 CP: 38+1=39 Pokemon: [color=SteelBlue]Froakie: Amica, Female-level 7[/color] [color=DarkGreen]Bulbasaur: Epsilon, Male-level 5+1[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]Eevee: Beta, Male-Level 1+1[/color] [color=DeepPink]Ralts: Jerus, Male-Level 1+1[/color] Inventory: 2/10 Poke Ball x2 [/hider]