[center][h2][color=00aeef]Martin Price[/color][/h2][/center] Martin knew this was bound to happen. His Pokemon was asleep, and he had no way to actually wake it up. He still had no other choices to swap. The only good news about this was getting two Hardens in earlier for this event. At least Nincada should in theory be able to tank the hits. All he could do was wait for Nincada to wake up despite the pounding he was taking from hit after hit of Vine Whip. If there was one thing Martin was confident in, it was Nincada's ability to stick around for a long time in a fight. Still, he had no defense for sleep attacks. His only hope was to use Harden until the damage didn't matter, then steamroll this opponent. [color=00aeef]"Sleep, what an underhanded fight, King. I guess that which you call a monster is exactly what I expected. No matter, you shall not crack our armor. We will not stop until you are beaten. Rise and shine, Nincada. You need to use Harden again when you wake up."[/color] Waiting, the worst part of sleeping Pokemon. Eventually it would be his time to get back in, but that was all he can do, wait.