[centre][b][h1][color=coral]Tabitha[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Pleased at the fact he seemed interested in her drawing, Tabitha smiled. She really liked it when people appreciated her work, and she squirmed happily at his praise, just about bouncing where she sat. She was a little surprised when he whipped out his phone and snapped a couple of pictures, first of the drawing then...with her as well. She sat, a little perplexed, then smiled brightly. She set the drawing down, debating about offering it to him, but...she wanted to keep it for herself. She shook her head [color=coral]"No, i don't mind. I liked that very much"[/color] Her voice, often a little sing-song like became more so, as she watched him. She giggled at his dramatics, [color=coral]"I'm Tabitha, but I like Tabi best"[/color] she said, but she didn't get it all out before he had leaned in, and kissed her cheek. She sat there, stunned, her sketch pad slipping through her fingers to lay flat on the ground. Feeling her cheeks warm, Tabitha squirmed, dropping her face so her hair fell over it, She wasn't use to people doing that sort of thing, and Tabitha had to take a moment to let her brain come to terms with what had happened. [i]he'd just kissed her cheek[/i]. Her mind had to quickly scramble to figure out what he had just said, as she swallowed, trying not to hyperventilate, drawing in a deep breath, she traced a pattern on her skirt, looking up, just barely through the curtain of her hair. He was a writer. He was creative too. She found herself wanting to reach up, to try and tame the hair the wind was moving, but she resisted. She nodded, [color=coral]"yes, I know...that's why I came out there, to draw... to try and clear my mind...and get some inspiration"[/color] She babbled, picking up her sketch pad. [color=coral]"Um"[/color] She drew in a deep breath, [color=coral]"it's probably not the same, but....sometimes it's just nice not doing anything because you have to, and just doing it because you want to...that's why I'm here"[/color][@dabombjk]