[center][h2]A Choking Point[/h2] - Roxanne ([@Shadeflare123]), Novis ([@Sen]), Aiden ([@Deos Morran])[/center][hr] The archaeologist was somewhat flustered as she watched the group, or rather two of the three, as they rather hastily ran into the ruins. She still had a lot left to tell them, and so before the last one, who had just healed one of his Pokémon up, left after them, she hastily placed a hand on his shoulder, telling him “Hey, don't get in over your heads… I'm still hesitant on letting you guys in, but if something goes wrong, we’re waiting for officers and a nurse from the Pokémon Center in the nearest town. We notified them as soon as the commotion occurred, so they should be here soon… Just, don't get yourselves hurt, okay? I've seen enough trainers scurrying away from the entrance today…” As the trio would begin to delve into the ruins, there was an odd absence of Pokémon in the rather decently lit area... You know, for having seemingly no light sources whatsoever inside the ruins. The entrance corridor was, while long width wise, simply a long stretch of a hallway, with several of the arches were doors would have been are covered in rubble, along with collapsed and intact pillars on each side. Regardless of interesting yet probably not noteworthy pillars, the only way to move was forward due to a majority of the other rooms either being blocked off by rubble or just simply dead ends. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like there was much of an alternative on how to proceed, and while they could see what was up ahead, so could anything that may hide behind rubble, which there was plenty of as the group could see. Most notably would be what appeared to be a door in the distance... At least, if there was any consolation to this scene, was the occasional painting on the wall, some faded to time, others recreated by the archaeologist to their former glory. Of course, it was rather hard to distinguish what they meant, or even if there was anything noteworthy, but it helped pass the time for the beginning of the trip. After all, art is said to be an expression of thoughts or actions, or maybe it's some sort of depiction of history. The trio could probably assume those basic figures meant something. There was also strange lettering on some of the walls as well, but due to being rather faded thanks to time, it would be nearly impossible to read without prior knowledge of what each symbol meant or what each symbol would have looked like. But soon, the trio reached the rather giant and probably disproportionate door, which upon opening it, the group would be blasted with a large cloud of dust and sand, similarly to their experience with the sandstorm in the cave. The once eerie lack of sound was soon replaced with a soft hum of machinery, far off in the distance. Unfortunately, even though the dust cloud would be settling after these observations, there was still plenty in the air due to whatever was going on. This also would lower the visibility in the area, along with affecting the lighting and causing it to dim slightly, along with a constant need to cough on occasion to clear their throats. Roxanne especially felt the choking feeling that the dust would bring, as if she had just drank a gallon of sand and was now heaving it out with each breath. It was coarse, rough, irritating... The hallway they would have been in after opening the door would then branch into 3, the left leading downwards deeper into the ruins, where the light would be far more scarce. The right leading upwards to a crumbling staircase, yet various sounds could be heard from above if someone decided to venture up to investigate. Lastly, there was the obvious middle hallway, a continuation of the long previous ruined area, but this time with low visibility in what would be ahead. All three areas appeared worthy of investigation… But what would the group do? It seemed that, regardless of what path they would take, or if they split up, each would eventually lead into some sort of... Choke Point.