Galeran had been waiting quietly and at attention at the bottom of the staircase. The only way to tell that he was feeling a bit frantic was his right index finger tapping against his left palm behind his back. The area did have a window at the other side of the room and it was at that time that the manservant went to move to open up the curtains. There was no reason to reprimand someone for tidying of his stature and it would help him do something instead of just being left to his thoughts. Galeran had heard first hand how the King treated his charge, and he could never say he liked it. It was very true that Adrian needed some more discipline in his life, but the way he seemed to think his brother was a brutish idiot didn't sit well with him. Everyone could always tell when Adrian came down the stairs or through the halls. First, there were the loud steps and then his large stature, his pace was usually quite excitable. So when his charge came down quietly, his voice startled Galeran from his found chore. Without showing off his surprise however, he gave a short bow to Adrian and took in his current mood. The fact that he had come down the stairs so quietly must have meant he was in quite a somber mood. His expression had switched back to his normal exterior, which meant the situation wasn't as bad as his execution being imminent. It was a relief to hear that the King was asking for him. Maybe if he was carefully he could get some information from the man on the events so far, considering the King thought he was the other half to Adrian's governing as Regent King. If only he wasn't given medial tasks such as that godforsaken [i]vase[/i] then even more work could be done for the country. Thinking this was permission to speak, Galeran was about to give confirmation when his charge waved his reply off into the air. The conversation would have to be quick with the King if Adrian was to be left alone while he was away. Before he could give a good farewell, Adrian was already heading down the stairs. The maid that was supposed to have notified him to come to the King came down the stairs. Since Galeran had slightly higher standing, he was a permanent fixture while the King's maids were changed often as the shame of the King's appearance was too much, he asked the servant to get someone to follow Adrian back to his study in order to have him better focused and bring along some kind of snack as well. Once that was settled, Galeran headed upstairs and gently knocked on the abused doors before being given permission. There had always been a heavy aura around King Adhemar de Hiertania, even in his sickly state. While there hadn't been anything covering him when his brother had been inside, a sheer curtain had been put down around the canopy to blind onlookers of his symptoms. Unfortunately, his coughing and hoarse, quiet voice could not be hidden so easily.