[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Zephyr Strip - Sawsbuck’s Coffee[/u]-[/center] [hr] “I didn’t know Pokémon browsed dank memes,” Juana remarked. However, her Rotom memelord was needed for another task. While Porygon-Z was stuck in the whirlpool, Juana seized the chance to order a powerful Thunderbolt. However, Porygon-Z, while stuck in the whirlpool, sparked and twitched, as its colors changed to a brown-and-orange scheme. The lightning bolt struck with no effect, and Rotom was quite confused and frustrated. “Aw, milkduds; did it just change to a Ground type? Can Porygon-Z even [i]learn[/i] Ground moves that it can use Conversion into?” Juana groaned, holding out her Pokédex to check the Porygon-Z’s status. The Porygon-Z did not seem to be taking the turbulent Whirlpool vortex very well, however, and because it had converted to Ground-type, it was more vulnerable to the other Pokémon. “Steenee, use Razor Leaf!” Juana ordered. Steenee fired off the usual flurry of bladed leaves, which embedded themselves into the lambert flesh of the digital Pokémon. Juana turned to Cillian and Tora. “There’s no telling what type it’ll turn next if it just randomly changed to Ground-type! We gotta be on our guard!” [hr] CP: +1, total: 11 [hider=Notes]-TP: HHG +1, post +1; total: 40 [hider=Inventory] -Poké Ball x5 -Great Ball x1 -Potion x2[/hider] [hider=Pokémon] -Steenee Lv. 12 -Corphish Lv. 7 -Skorupi Lv. 3 -Dewpider Lv. 4 -Togepi Lv. 4 -Honedge Lv. 1 -Rotom-Heat Lv. 11 [/hider] -Interaction with [@Dusksong]'s Cillian and [@Silver Fox]'s Tora[/hider]