[center][h2][color=a187be]Amelia Averyonna[/color][/h2] [@PlatinumSkink][/center] Amelia searched for several minutes before realizing she had no chance of finding any Ghost-types this deep in the forest. Part of her wasn't that surprised but the other part had wished she wouldn't have to go deeper to try and find what she had hoped to find. Sighing to herself, she looked deeper into the woods before gathering up her courage and moving onwards. She only planned on going as deep as she needed to and hoped that she wouldn't have to camp out in the woods for the night. Moving deeper into the woods, she kept an eye out for any possible danger and counters, be they with pokemon or trainers, friendly or hostile. Litwick began absorbing surrounding life energy to light the flame on his head, though he was careful not to absorb any of Amelia's or Shuppet's as they were his friends, allies, and Trainer. Not to mention, Amelia's seemed rather fragile. [hider=Action] Venture deeper into the woods in search of a Phantump with aid of sixth sense or helpful trainers that can point her in the right direction.[/hider]