[hr][hr] [center][color=cyan][h1]Kristina Smith[/h1][/color] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzphxmO57X1r7i94k.gif[/img] [i]Location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Outside of Building 2 (Mess Hall)[/I] [/center] [hr][hr] Kristina spent the last couple of hours with Tatiana tending to Ciel and giving whatever he needed to make him feel better, eyeing the little boy she felt bad she was sure that his family were long gone by now. Once Froggy had finished up with Raymond's surgery Kristina was let out, she gave Tatiana a friendly smile and nod as she headed down to the cells where Froggy and she had laid Sophia's body. Kristina pulled her body out of it looking at Ryan for a second until she was out leaving her body close to the stairs before looking for Niesha. It was something Kris had been dreading to tell her since she had found Sophia's body, she started making her way back up the stairs just as she saw Niesha leaving the Infirmary. Seeing the frantic look for Sophia Kristina grabbed her crutches once more and quickly started making her way up the stairs and started going after Niesha. With her bad ankle Kris couldn't keep up as Niesha made it to their apartment before she could, sighing heavily as she followed Niesha until they were just outside of the Mess Hall. Kristina quickly grabbed onto Niesha's wrist to stop her looking up at her friend taking a shaky breath as she tried to think of how to say it. [color=cyan]"Niesha.."[/color] Kris said with a shaky breath as she looked down at her feet for a moment biting her lower lip she wiped a few tears from her face and finally took a deep breath. [color=cyan]"Niesha, Sophia died.."[/color] Kristina said sadly looking at her friend and then pulled her into a hug. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=f08080]Meghna Kumar[/color][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m76uzijidL1qim2ju.gif[/img] [I]Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Meghna spent the last couple of hours going between the mess hall and the infirmary to check in on Ciel and give him his liquid diet looking over at Kristina and Tatiana smiling at the two girls as they tended to him. Meg would take the empty dishes that they had used back to the Mess Hall. She would make sure that everyone who was new was fed and made sure that they were alright, and helped out with anything that Ms. Sally needed. Once she was finished Meg headed over looking between Chloe and Beatrice whenever someone came in she noticed Chloe look at the door as if she was looking for someone. Aside from briefly talking to Chloe when she first arrived and taking in the two wounded patients she didn't know her well other then her medical training. [color=f08080]"Can I get you anything else, Chloe was it right?"[/color] Meghna asked as she took a seat in front of her, she knew Ashton was busy with other things at the moment, she just wanted to get to know them a little bit more. Meg then turned to look at Beatrice and Tiffany. [color=f08080]"How are you two doing?"[/color] Meg asked the other two girls who were sitting further away. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Raymond Mendoza[/color][/h1] [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/c71af7813f0447841eb1168542fa7ce2/tumblr_n5z7gnNLSl1rcwa0zo2_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Building 1 (Infirmary) [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Raymond had passed out at some point during the surgery as the doctor and the other woman assisted him stitching up the remaining part of his leg. By the time the surgery was done Ray slowly opened his eyes and turned his head slightly seeing Ciel there it looked like he was doing a lot better now then he was when they first met. He still remained very still as he looked around the infirmary he didn't notice it before but he could feel the cool air around the room it was AC which he hadn't felt in such a long time. Raymond felt very exhausted and weak, but also he felt very safe as he was hooked up to more IVs to fight off infection. It was a really long day for him, Ray remembered finding that fox in the abandoned church to bad he never got a chance to eat it now. It was most likely still in his bag back in Franklin. Ray knew it would have probably been put to better use now then he could, then he bumping into Tiffany earlier in the day. Then the day just went south from there falling into that trap with a chunk of his leg getting bit, then having the leg itself being chopped off. Raymond turned his head to the doctor who was sitting in a chair he seemed to be really worn out. [color=lightblue]"Thanks doc."[/color] Ray managed to say he felt like he had a better chance at surviving now then he did while traveling alone, he was behind walls which made things feel a lot safer. [color=lightblue]"Where is Tiffany?"[/color] Ray asked he just wanted to make sure that she was alright. [hr][hr] [center][color=B0C4DE][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/20200000/Avril-Gifs-avril-lavigne-20220597-500-240.gif[/img] [I]Location: Heard County High School (Cafeteria)[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley didn't mind spending time with both Mike and Amelia they seemed to be pretty nice people that didn't want to just gut her or try and shoot her unlike the other people she had bumped into the last three years out on the road. After Riley had gotten the food that she wanted in her, she got up and followed the two of them to get herself checked up and cleaned up in their makeshift infirmary. Riley smiled and thanked Sana for it, eventually she went and followed Mike to the women's shower which her face lit up Riley had not had a nice long shower in what felt like years. To have a place with working water was a miracle most place she had been into never had any working water, without much of a word Riley quickly stripped down and got to work with cleaning herself. The only times she ever had an actual shower was if it rained or she found a creek or moving stream and cleaned herself from that, but nothing beat an actual shower. Once she was finished Riley dried herself off, she was still wondering if her sister was here so far she couldn't find any other redheads aside from Amelia. Riley tied her hair into a pony tail, she accepted the offer of sharing a room with Mike and Amelia since she didn't know anyone else as well. Riley was laid out on her cot as she took a drink of her water setting the bottle down next to where she had placed her machete, handgun and crossbow. Riley was about to turn in for the night when she opened her eyes hearing a bloody scream coming from outside. Riley watched as Mike bolted out of the room with a handgun in hand, she turned to look at Amelia and gave her a quick nod at her question. [color=B0C4DE]"Yeah lets check it out."[/color] Riley said as she quickly got up and held her baretta in her hand and followed shortly after Mike to the front of the school. Riley quickly came to a stop seeing Lyon, the guy she assumed was named Beni and Sana over a body she bit her lower lip for a moment she assumed that the body was close to Sana which she felt bad for. Riley didn't know how it felt to lose a loved one, she knew the feeling of being disowned by her parents except for one person she would get along with which was her sister Chloe. Riley slowly made her way over looking at Lyon and Beni. [color=B0C4DE]"What happened?"[/color] She finally asked.