[center][color=lightsteelblue][h3]Cillian Weiss[/h3][/color]— Zephyr Strip —[/center] Kelby sprang back from where the Porygon-Z stood entrapped by the Whirlpool, watching the virtual Pokemon carefully as it swapped color schemes. Upon Juana’s declaration that the Pokemon had transformed into a ground-type, Cillian looked to his Mudkip again. [color=lightsteelblue]“Kelby, let’s switch to Water Gun then to buff up the Whirlpool,”[/color] he called to the blue-and-orange water-type. The Mudkip nodded, springing back into action and releasing a torrent of water from his mouth that hit the Porygon-Z, bouncing off and refueling the Whirlpool. [i]Alright, it’s trapped,[/i] Cillian thought before tacking on, [i]for now.[/i] It’d only be a matter of time before the Porygon-Z swapped types again — next time to one Kelby couldn’t deal with well. [i]We’ll worry about that when it happens,[/i] he thought firmly, turning around to check on his Charmander. On the other side of the street, Hazmat — as well as a few Pokemon from onlookers — were trying to keep the Shuppet crowd at bay. However, it seemed that the two Cronkledurrs were the strongest Pokemon around, and it just so happened that ghost-types couldn’t be hit by fighting-types — and vice-versa. [color=lightsteelblue]“Hazmat, try switching to Dragon Rage!”[/color] Cillian called. The Charmander gave his trainer a nod before jumping up into the air and launching a stream of purple fire from its mouth onwards towards the Shuppet flock. [hr][hider=Cillian’s Pokedex] [b]Rank: [/b]Beginner [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [b]TP:[/b] 114 +1 +1(HHG) = 116 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 4 [*]Rare Candy x 2 [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Hazmat “Haz” ♂ — Charmander (10) [*]Kelby “Kelb” ♂ — Mudkip (10) [*]Decus ♂ — Scyther (6) [*]♂ — Bulbasaur (3) [*]♂ — Scraggy (1) [/list][/hider] [@silver fox][@toadropes] [hr] 133CP