[color=darkorange][h2][center]✰ Jason Ackerman ✰[/center][/h2][/color] [color=darkorange][h3][center]Location: Central City[/center][/h3][/color] [@ToadRopes] Just as he reached the city, Jason's Pokedex beeped. He checked it to find a newly-posted request. [color=darkorange]"Yeesh..."[/color] he said with a grimace as he read it. He wasn't the only one to have had a recent run-in with a wild Pokemon. A close call with a swarm of Beedrills... No wonder this child kept having nightmares. The first legendary Pokemon he thought of who could help was Cresselia, but as he read on, it turned out the parents sought out one closer to their home of Feyhollow. Lunala, in Stillwater. He'd just registered his acceptance and sent a message back when somebody called to him. Looking up, he saw a young woman waving. With a glance down at his dirty clothes, Jason cringed. He'd just had to end up looking like this in front of a girl. Nonetheless, he forced a smile, feigning confidence. [color=darkorange]"Stillwater? I just got a request to go there myself... uhh, once a few things are sorted out,"[/color] he replied, attempting to brush the soot from his face, but only succeeding in smearing it around more. [color=darkorange]"It's the seven you'll want, it's pretty regular."[/color] He hoped this girl wouldn't ask any questions about his current state. [hider=Jason] [b]TP:[/b] +1 +1 (17) [b]Pokemon:[/b] [list][*]Vulpix (Iliana), female, lv11 [*]Snorunt (Eira), female, lv10 [*]Doublade (Agne), male, lv10 [*]Golett (Amyntas), lv11 [*]Espurr (Tibert), male, lv10 [*]Fraxure (Fraener), male, lv11[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] Empty[/hider] [hr] [color=yellow][h2][center]♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪[/center][/h2][/color] [color=yellow][h3][center]Location: Tefan Village[/center][/h3][/color] [@Zarkun] Cici had just showered and dressed when she heard a knock at the door. [color=yellow]"Yeah. I'll be right out,"[/color] she said, gathering up her belongings, returning all her Pokemon except Forte. Stretching and yawning, she shuffled towards the door. Being up this early would take some getting used to, but at least being a trainer gave her something to get up for. Opening the door, she looked with tired eyes at her travelling companion, smiling despite the lingering fatigue. [color=yellow]"Hey. Once we've had breakfast, I've thought of a way we could decide where to explore first,"[/color] she said. The thought of her plan scared her a little. It was a way to grow closer to people, after all, and getting close to others had its risks. Even so, this was something she had to do if she wanted to stick to the Helping Hand Guild's principles - and progress as a trainer. [hider=Cici] [b]TP:[/b] +1 +1 (79) [b]Pokemon:[/b] [list][*]Whismur (Forte), male, lv7 [*]Swablu (Dulcet), female, lv6 [*]Igglybuff (Ligeia), female, lv5 [*]Kricketot (Cadence), female, lv5 [*]Chingling (Allegro), male, lv2[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [list][*]Pokeball x1[/list][/hider] [hr] [hider=CP]+1 (25)[/hider]