Okay, here is my final version: [hider=Rel]Monster Type: Calculator Gender: Female Occupation: Construction Coordinator, Accountant, Data Specialist, Secretary...usually at the same time. Weapon: Accelerated Mass Fractals (+4 ATK) Armor: Hard Light Figures (+20 DEF) Magic: - Analytical Engine - Rel can process visual or auditory information at an exponential rate, allowing her to solve many complex problems and tasks quickly and efficiently. During an fight, she is able to analyze and predict hostile actions, giving Rel an advantage of coordinating proper responses. Vital information determined from this process can promote stat bonuses. - Geometric Vector Projection - Rel's all-purpose tool for dealing with a wide number of scenarios. She can generate solid light shapes which may be used for logistical, to utility driven, and tactical purposes. Personality: Considered a workaholic and a bit of a narcissist, Rel finds comfort and even joy putting her incredible mind through its paces. While not intentionally trying to demean others, she typically has the egocentric habit of verbally mocking people of lesser talent, usually while enthralled in her own capabilities. Rel, of course, is careful and mindful enough not to let her mouth run too much while on the job(s). Despite her social faults, she does have the capacity of being a decent person to converse and work with. She [i]hates[/i] bad comedy. Bio: Before the Surface was made accessible to all of the Underground's monsters, freeing them from many generations of isolated captivity from the rest of the world above, Rel mostly resided and worked within the technological superstructure of the CORE as one of several maintenance workers. Much of her work required her to oversee and maintain the CORE's optimum efficiency in producing the magical electricity needed to power the entire Underground. To Rel, the task was dull and grossly repetitive with the constant recalibrations that had to be made every day while expansions to the CORE's structure were fabricated as the demand for more electricity grew. But in the end, it was nevertheless a job that she more than capable of both making a living off of and tolerating for that matter. That was until Frisk managed to break the Barrier separating all of the monsters from the surface; it was perhaps Rel's happiest moment. Interestingly, Rel never shared many of the other monsters' hopes and dreams of escaping the Underground in the same way as they did. That was of course not say she [i]didn't[/i] want out from their earthly prison. If anything, though it was for the desire of opportunity. While monsters have been exceedingly successful in crafting and engineering a near self-sufficient civilization below the Surface, there was not much room in terms of a diverse culture or a compelling industry. Many of these considered human concepts were simply integrated out of fascination and appeal though only vaguely understood in what they truly meant. What Rel wanted was a way to fully express herself and her unique capabilities. Despite some clashes in differences between monsters and humans after coming together once more after years of misshapen ignorance, many monsters had become impressively successful upon their transition to the Surface. No longer bound to the now deactivated CORE, Rel was now free and with her newfound freedom, came a career change...several of them actually, thanks to her innate that has dumbfounded many of her newer fleshy co-workers. Appearance: Rel can be described as sleek and edgy mechanical humanoid standing at a close six feet in height. She bears four arms with each two pair of limbs joined at a shoulder. The upper portion of her head is encompassed by a floating oval-shaped multi-purpose platform while a large visor makes up most of her eyes and helps animates her expressions. The only human-like structure is seen below her visor (nose, mouth, cheeks, jaw, etc.). Her torso is visually resembling that of a skeletal ribcage. Her upper-chest region sports a rounded design front and back before forming two disc-shaped struts at each shoulder blade. Each strut curves behind her neck to create an open collar. Much of her lower chest is hollowed out, leaving a floating sphere within that makes up the upper base of the abdomen section. There is no stomach region as it too is hollowed out, leaving a small spine which makes up the upper and lumbas section before flowing down and connecting to lower lumbas and pelvic area. The majority of the pelvic section is a long vertical guard at the front where two physically complete legs connect at the llium area. The legs are the most complete portions of the body though while similar to a plantigrade appearance, the thighs start pushing more inwards while the shins push out. The feet are somewhat digitigrade in structure though sports a support heel to maintain balance. Almost all the joins in Rel’s body, save for her neck and head and knees and feet, are actually not physically connect but just float where they would be connected. Straight streams of pulsating light work and down from her head to all solid sections of her frame. (Sorry if it seems overly detailed or complex – I literally could not find an image that best explains this walking talking calculator) Basic idea: [hider][img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/607224401095424251/9B958D7A4F5428FEFF0836990B624C2182314FEF/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C637:358&composite-to%3D*%2C*%7C637%3A358&background-color=black[/img][/hider] Question: "Which is harder, Junior Jumble or Crossword?" Answer: Junior Jumble [/hider]