[hr] [center][h1][color=c4df9b]Jeanette 'Mosi' Crane[/color][/h1] [img] http://66.media.tumblr.com/ed9930859bc47a9dcec4d0f033d5eada/tumblr_mr9z1uSuQU1ryrxwno2_250.gif [/img] Location: Brunswick Chapel of Ease to St. Maryle Bone[/center] [hr] The man looked very shocked at the news she gave him about a Souless within London. Well that was to be expected, after all most people got mostly used to be safe within the walls, but reality was not always such. Danger lurked everywhere and it was frankly very possible the Souless were never comepletely gone from the city. Mosi never believed the walls provide as much security as people hoped to from the first tiem she rememebred seeing them. She then smiled at nodded as the man realized her gender after taking a look at her.[color=c4df9b]" Yes."[/color] She nodded at unwanted confirmation as the man motioned to them to follow him. Mosi only nodded with a smile, throwing a look at Fyror, waiting for a moment so both of them start walking together through the church into what appeared to be the man's office. When they entered the office, the man sat at his desk. "Now, please, tell me what you both know in full detail." He asked with Mosi nodding at his words. [color=c4df9b]"Yes, not even an hour ago in Hyde park. In broad daylight actually. A woman appeared being chased by a Cargast, but before anything can be done, it was already too late. Her body is already being taken to another church I assume, but the original Cargast could still be in Hyde park. It blended with teh mist above the water there."[/color] Jeanette quickly explained the situation.[color=c4df9b]" Who knows there might be even more than one... just I've had this bad feeling since I woke up."[/color]