[center][color=indianred][h3]Shanae Eller[/h3][/color]— Ironforge —[/center] Marvin paused, frowning as he set down the phone. “He said you should meet him at one of our factories,” he said, concern etched across his features. “Apparently there’s been another case.” Those words were enough to send Shanae on her way, hitching a ride on one of the factory’s rentable Lairons. Marvin was tagging along as well, proving to be quite the capable trainer himself as he rode alongside Shanae on a capable-looking Onix. [color=indianred]“How’s your Rhydon doing?”[/color] Shanae asked as the rock-types they sat on bounded along. [color=indianred]“She alright?”[/color] “Father gave me an evolution shard on my birthday, but I’m still beginner rank,” the boy said, frowning. “I promised her we would get stronger together, but father doesn’t want me venturing out…” [color=indianred]“But you can venture around town,”[/color] Shanae concluded. Marvin gave the woman a hopeful glance, and Shanae nodded. [color=indianred]“You can come along — no problem. Just don’t get in my way! Let’s go, Lairon,”[/color] Shanae said, winking at the boy before patting the Lairon into a bounding sprint. Behind her, Marvin’s Onix slithered faster to catch up. [hr][hider=Shanae’s Pokedex] [b]Rank: [/b]Skilled [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [Founder] [b]TP:[/b] 31 +1 +1(HHG) = 33 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 2 [*]Evolution Shard x 1 [*]Great Ball x 1 [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Ebon ♂ — Houndour (8) [*]Turris ♂ — Aron (8) [*]Dius ♂ — Trapinch (6) [*]Amatorius ♂ — Jigglypuff (7) [*]Alcedo “Alci” ♀ — Joltik (2) [*]Otiosus “Oti” ♂ — Lombre (5) [*]Endymion “Endy” ♂ — Lapras (10) [hider=Pokemon Reserves:][list][*]♀ — Hoppip (1) [/list][/hider][/list][/hider][hr] 134 CP