[hider=Tarly Finch, M, 21][center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/66902662/large.gif[/img] [color=darkorange][b]Tarly Flinch[/b][/color] [b]21[/b] | [color=darkorange][b]Male[/b][/color] | [b]5"7[/b] | [color=darkorange][s][b]140 lbs[/b][/s][/color] [color=darkgray][sup]uhm- i think there's a mistake on this form? Don't.. don't read that.[/sup][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGJ8ixlfKUs][s]Current Jam[/s][/url] Wait... Fuck, no, that's-uhm. my sisters. yeah [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4ZY_tBvigo]There[/url] we go. [color=darkorange][b]Status:[/b][/color] #ITried #GirlsbeFrigid #AmiRite hahaha jk seriously though I'm single. Ladies, I'm looking at you. [color=darkorange][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] [s]ex-mechanic underling[/s] proffessional slacker.[/center] [color=darkorange][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Tarly is a scrappy individual, with messy spikey hair and a scrawny frame. He has a little wiry muscle too him, but no matter how much time he spends at the gym he just can't bulk up - he boasts about a badass metabolism - so he kind of gave up on that after a while. That being said, he's fast on his feet, and the work he's put in is there even if it doesn't show well. As for his clothes, brightly-coloured mismatched casual. Sometimes with odd socks and sneakers, if he's wearing shoes today. Fashoinistas avert your eyes. [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4lcqvCQRC1qgw01go1_500.gif[/img][/center] [color=darkorange][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Wrong thing to say at the wrong time should be his life motto - but he hardly realises he does it. He's frank, upfront and inappropriate, which often comes off across terribly to others. As it is he's a cheerful, jovial type, totally unaware of how he affects others (unless he's done them a favour, in which case, he'll never let you forget.) Upbeat, jovial and a short attention span to boot, Tarly is a risk-taker who's always up for a dare and a good time. He's surfing for the next high, the next party, and always looking to get some tail. Yep, he thinks himself a regular cassonova, but for some reason the ladies just don't agree. Obviously they've got issues or something, hahaha.... [sub]I'm here if you need me...[/sub] Even though he's a little on the slow side - and honestly, totally devoid of any common sense and a loon to boot - he likes cheering people up and dragging them out of their stupor. If you can get passed the well-meaning, but brash and backhanded accidental insults, you have a loyal friend who'll always be honest with you because he's shit at telling lies. [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/HXHVW01a6E73a/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [color=darkorange][b]Background:[/b][/color] Tarly has four siblings - one older brother and three younger sisters. He came from an uppercrust family, his brother was a straight A student who fit right in playing the cello at the private school they went to. Tarly, meanwhile, couldn't drum up enough talent to learn an instrument - or be good at science, history, art, english... He was just one big ol' dissapointment for his respectable family. And it just got worse when he hit his teenage years. The psychologist said he was lashing out against expectations, but turned out Tarly just liked to party. And he got on better with the kids from mainstream anyway, at least they knew how to have a good time. Besides, he didn't like the way his homework swirled before his eyes and didn't make sense, and really if Mrs Kofski didn't want to be made fun of she shouldn't dress in such god awful clothes, who cares about getting expelled? It became more and more clear, as his sisters got older and were just as talented as everyone else, that Tarly was just one big mistake. A few particular choice fuck-ups around some prominent colleagues of his father during a social gathering his mother threw, and Tarly was disowned and out the door. That was fine by him, though, right? He felt more at home in his best mate's place and closer to his parents then he'd ever felt at home, and so he took to staying with him for a while, and then couch-surfing around. He completed an apprenticeship as a mechanic and learnt to use his hands - and he'd always been handy - but the pay was pittance and he realised he'd prefer it if he could just party all the time. If he'd stuck it out, of course, there was a decent wage there - but he much prefers hitting on cougars and crashing at theirs. It was recently he got a call from his brother out the blue - something about "having a word" with his parents and how him and their sisters missed Tarly and how he'd found a "solution that benefitted everyone." All he had to do was get [i]married[/i] (married!) to some chick he'd never met that his parents approved of. Someone who could "set him on the straight and narrow"... and now Talry doesn't know what to think. [color=darkorange][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Comfort food, Late nights, parties, girls, beer, cider, women, tv, barbeques, cougars, console games, fast food. [color=darkorange][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Cooking, mornings, reading, hangovers, interviews, maths, tablemanners. [color=darkorange][b]Other Information:[/b][/color] ♪ Poncho the dog, he's the dumbest dog you'll ever meet, Poncho the dog, he lives on the street... ♪ - Tarley's been feeding this stay terrier and it seems to have taken a shine to him.[/hider]