NAME : Lilith Ayers SUPERHERO NAME: Kitsune AGE and BIRTHDAY: 15, December 27 APPEARANCE: Lilith has a slender, willowy frame and pale ivory skin. She’s lithe, with jet-black hair, curled and bleached to a honey-gold and the ends. Her right eye is cerulean, like the color of the Caribbean, and her left eye is blind, a light gray-blue color, and both are shadowed by the hood forever hanging over her head. She has a black mark on her arm, like a capital C with a cross on it, the intersection of the cross in the middle. Lilith’s not particularly curvaceous, though her assets are a pretty decent size. She’s about 5’3”, and is often called short by her friends for that. She always has electric blue headphones, around her neck or on her head. Lilith normally wears a black pullover hoodie with a death metal band logo on the back, light blue ripped skinny jeans, and steel-toed combat boots. In the summer she wears a light gray shirt with the Assassin’s Creed logo on it, dark jean shorts, and sneakers, plus a zip up hoodie just in case. Lilith’s superhero costume is rather simple, a black trench coat with a hood and silver linings, a black half mask, a dark grey elbow length shirt, and a black skirt. GENDER: Female PERSONALITY: Lilith is very rebellious. She hates people telling her what do and dreads school for this reason. Often she will defy teachers to the point where they are about to send her to detention, then is sugar-sweet to them for the rest of class. She also gets very good grades, just to annoy them even more. Needless to say they are often tempted to knock thirty percent off her grades at the end of term. She is very fierce and cunning, which earned her superhero name BACKGROUND: Lilith lives with her dad, her other dad, and her twin brothers. Her family is pretty weird. Her dads are both archeologists, and her brothers are in the police force. At school, she’s a little better off when it comes to the social order, because she can be a bit intimidating. No one really bothers her, unless it’s her friends teasing her about her height. She plays acoustic guitar, though she’s not really tied to a band yet. Her love life is nonexistent, and her social life has been at Death’s door for a while. She’s a little solitary, though she loves her friends, and loves spreading chaos around school Lilith gained her powers when her dads brought home a black statue of Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld They thought she might like it, since he was one of her favorite gods, and when she woke up the next morning, the statue was gone and the mark had appeared on her arm. She normally just helps her brothers with police work. POWERS: Umbrakinesis. Not huge stuff, just things like controlling them, creating blades out of shadow, and being able to disappear into them. REASON FOR DETENTION: Lilith’s power level is pretty decent, but her powers are seen as ‘dark’ and people look down on her because her dads are gay. Plus she graffitied exactly what she thought about the teachers on the school wall I will probably be editing this