[center] [img] http://i.imgur.com/ZnOpQuF.png[/img] Location: Natural History Museum, NYC Time: Afternoon [@fdeviant], [@Luna], and [@Demonic Angel] [/center] The reeling in Ben’s head had started to dissipate as he shook it clear, his brains seemed to rattle against his skull. Sickness pulsed from his constricting navel then threatened to erupt from his mouth and spill his greasy meal upon the concrete in one motion. Shit was an adapt description to what he currently felt like. He swallowed back the sour taste while his mind’s awareness took stock of his condition, a weak attempt to right himself. On all fours and positioned on the ground, it didn't take him long to realize what had happened. He had changed… Again. Memories, hazy ones, surfaced to his mind through they felt distant and strange to him. Growling under his breath, his hand reached to wipe away the blood crusted on his eyelids and unblur his vision. He had just started to raise weakly to his feet when Ji flipped the tarp over his shoulders, his knees twitched and tried to give out from underneath him. She steadied him enough to prevent him from toppling into the hard concrete still covered by his discarded fur. The tarp’s surface scratched at his tender skin and stripped a bit of the coagulated blood off. Cheap and itchy material rubbed against his skin causing his hand raise to his shoulder and scratched it. He needed a shower badly. However he had too many issues to deal with and no time to properly sort them out. When Ji asked if he was alright, his hoarse voice replied,[color=chocolate] “Yeah. Just feel like I got trashed for the first time and seriously need a shower.”[/color] He turned toward Marie,[color=chocolate] “If you're done here, can we call my agency guardian and get out of here? I really… Really need to get clean up. It might be hard to explain why I look like I got butchered, yet there's not a scratch on me.”[/color] Ben weakly gestured with his hand toward the shredded remains of his clothing,[color=chocolate] “His number is in there and so is my cellphone. However, I'm pretty sure I heard my touch screen being shattered. I hope someone else carries one.”[/color]