Lilith allowed herself to grin as the sounds of gunfire erupted outside the pub. Something told her that this was no random skirmish, and was in every way linked to the agreement she had just struck. The man, Dallen, had apparently reached a similar conclusion. “In truth, I think a better starting point would have more hookers and booze, but this is probably a close second.” She unslung her rifle, reflexively flicking off the safety as the rapid onslaught of an apparently coordinated assault reached the pub. The first man to enter went down right away - courtesy of Dallen, and Liltih gave the next two to barge through their own high velocity lobotomies. Lilith ducked behind the counter, hurriedly shoving two rounds through the rifle’s loading gate. “Well this is a right mess you’ve gotten us into.” She yelled over the din, “And yes, it’s your fault! Don’t ask me how but I’ll find a reason in a few hours to berate you for, I’m sure!” As the outpouring of lead from their enemies showed little signs of letting up, Lilith again found herself wishing she had spent some money on grenades instead of booze. She threw the rifle’s sling over her shoulder, drawing her pistol instead and joining Dallen in emptying her magazine in the general direction of the enemy. Generally, she preferred medium range firefights. Risking perforation, she popped up from behind the counter, firing off a flurry of eight shots before the gun ran out of ammunition, she saw with satisfaction that two of their assailants had gone down. She joined Dallen in interrogating her employer of a few minutes now. “A way out that doesn’t involve death would be amazing right now!” She yelled, sporadically firing off a few shots at their attackers to keep their heads down. “Slavery or imprisonment aren’t options either, for the record!”