“I wear size 11.” Shay told the clerk, squeezing Vera’s arm that was interlocked with his own as he waited for the well-worn skates to be pulled off of a shelf. After the pair were brought their skates and Vera exchanged coin with the clerk, both removed their footwear, a chilly sensation given the cold, and slipped into the extremely well-worn skates. Shay stood after lacing his up and found his balance to be quite wobbly, it was a sensation he hadn’t felt in some time. It felt like walking in stilts that were a centimeter wide. “I apologize for what you’re about to witness; I know it must put a dagger through your heart to see I’m less than perfect.” Shay said to Vera with a mischievous smile. He offered a hand to help her off the bench and the pair headed to the gate that led to the open ice hand in hand, both out of affection, and to support one another from falling over. At the gate, Shay gripped the fence carefully as he stepped onto the ice, hoping the skate wouldn’t go out from under him. Taking it slowly, he managed to get both skates down and although wobbly and about as slow as a tortoise taking a leisurely stroll tested his stride, sliding one foot in front of the other a few inches at a time, not unlike most first time skaters. “So far so good,” Shay called out to Vera, grinning nervously as he tried to turn to face her. One of his skates hit a slick patch and shot out forward, dropping the man to his rump on the ice with a crash, prompting a few good-natured laughs from other skaters who very likely understood exactly the feeling, or kids finding vulnerable adults a rare and hilarious experience. He didn’t mind; the smile never left his face as he carefully found his footing again. “Come on out, Vera; the ice is softer than it looks!” He teased, extending a hand for her to take as he tried to brace his feet to prevent a similar spill.