[Center][h3]Amalgam University Professor Jonathan[/h3] [@Broyeabro][@Sho Minazuki][@alexfangtalon][@I-Am-X][@Alder][@Lord Szall][/center] [color=green]"Well, this appears to have been an unexpected encounter, thankfully nothing has been damaged"[/color], commented Jonathan. The battle between him and the leader of the assault demonstrated some serious skill. Many of the people present would know this old man as a member of the Elite Four, but it seems to be more common knowledge among the students that attend here rather than the normal populace. He turned to the young trainers who had joined the fray, [color=green]"And you lot, it does my heart well to know brave and valiant trainers still do exist"[/color], he was praising them. [color=green]"I would like to thank you all properly, I believe such valiance must be rewarded, thus, I will give you all access to the reserve behind the university. Normally it is only accessible to staff and people conducting observation experiments, but I think I can trust you all to be kind and considerate to the Pokemon that dwell there, we have tried very hard to make it as untouched as possible. Also, if you are interested in any of the fossil Pokemon, later today we'll be doing this little experiment again to revive some more, I will allow some of you to pick one for your journey if it pleases you. I will arrange everything soon, so don't go running there just yet, there's a bit of cleaning up to do"[/color], so that was their reward. He turned around and had some of the aides and students begin cleaning up the place. Meanwhile... [color=steelblue]"Ahahaha, wow you sure know how to sleep, slept through all the noise and all that"[/color], York was knelt down beside the sleeping Tyrunt, poking it, before it snapped it's jaws around his entire hand. He lifted the Pokemon wit it's firmly biting onto his arm. [color=steelblue]"Wow, those are some powerful jaws, I might actually start crying, hey Tal look at this little guy, look how tightly the jaws hold on"[/color], he yells as he starts waving the little Pokemon around like an accessory stuck to his arm. The little guy was clearly not happy it's nap was disturbed. [color=steelblue]"Hey professor, can I keep him?"[/color], the professor turned his attention to see a young man with a Tyrunt stuck to his arm. [color=green]"Hmmmm... I suppose... He does already seem quite attached... In fact how has your arm not come off? Well, regardless, this is the Tyrunt's Pokeball"[/color], he stated, pulling a Pokeball out of the Fossil Machine. It seems there was a setting where it would automatically attribute the Pokemon to an affixed Pokeball, and just like that the Tyrunt was returned to it's Pokeball, and handed to York. [color=steelblue]"Ahahahahaaa, I don't know. Oh well. Thanks. Hmmm... I think I'll call you Marlock, yeah"[/color], he received the Pokeball for the Tyrunt, and already named it. [color=green]"You're not at all what I'd expect from the son of a professor, Nina especially. I hope to see you near the end of your journey, for now I shall tend to things here"[/color], with that he was off, and York got a Tyrunt.