Not entirely sure. I'm a fan of Grant Morrison but when I realized he was writing Batman before Bruce died so Dick could take over I quit keeping up. I knew of the Black Glove organization, the intro of Damian, Damian trying to attack the other Robins past and present, him becoming Robin, then Bruce died and it was Grayson as Bats and Damian written by Scott Snyder who's been writing Batman since the beginning of the New52 and now he's writing All Star Batman. Either way, I'm sure Bruce's done his own test since adopting him as his own son. The way it's written he accepts him as his son without question. __________________ On the JL side of the animated movie universe though, there needs to be a series of shorts or something to explain how the League went from Supes, Bats, WW, GL/Hal, Flash, Cyborg, and Shazam to also including GL/John, Aquaman, Hawkman, etc in JL Dark. And at the end when they offered Zatanna League status?!? I mean c'mon... there should've been another JL film in there somewhere instead of 3 or 4 animated Batman flicks. I'm gonna hop into a titanpad and get a post in the can. I'll likely have Batman keeping tabs on the new heroes/players already established on Earth. ~KL~