Finally got my character finished, but it's not my best work. However, my computer was recently fried (I'm posting this from a friend's) and I can't repair it for a month or so, so posts will likely be few and far between, and that's if I can even post at all. [hider=Ace] [b]Name[/b]: 'Ace' [b]Age/Race/Gender[/b]: Designed to appear around early to mid thirties (chronologically 19); Android; identifies as male. [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=]Click.[/url] Stands at six feet tall and appears to be rather slim, but weighs a little under half a ton due to his metal insides. Sadly, not outfitted with extremities. Wears [url=]this jacket[/url] over the clothing in the photo. [b]Occupation[/b]: Freelance pilot, smuggler and occasional trumpeter when all else fails. [b]Weapons[/b]: [url=]This baby.[/url] It fires eight shots before it needs to be reloaded. Virtually recoilless, as it is light-weight and the grip contorts to the shooter's hand. Ace is also fond of using automatic assault rifles or SMGs when he can find them, but does not own one. [b]Armor[/b]: While weapons can easily cut through his skin, under it is a heavily armored endoskeleton. However, he is fond of wearing [url=]this armor[/url] for some reason. It is officially known as Toranma Inc. Light Infiltrator Armor, but Ace calls it 'my second skin'. [b]Items[/b]: A few tools on a belt (in case he needs to repair himself or his weapons in combat), a picture (if he gets around to opening up to someone on the crew, he'll reveal what is. Until then, it's a secret to everybody), an old zippo lighter, and a pack of Pall Mall cigarettes (with only six left, sadly). [b]Skills[/b]: [u]Ace Pilot:[/u] Where else do you think his name comes from? Ace is, well, an ace pilot, in fact he's probably one of the greatest in the galaxy. By his own calculations, the probability of crashing if he's flying the ship is 0.004% (however, he does have an extremely inflated ego so this is probably false, more than likely for worse than for the better). [u]Crackshot:[/u] Ace is a crackshot with pistols and is adept in the use of assault rifles and SMGs. However, he has no knowledge in the use of shotguns, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, etc. [b]Powers[/b]: [u](Technically) Unkillable:[/u] Due to being an android, Ace doesn't age and cannot die of natural causes. In fact, he could survive being obliterated so long as his memory chip survives. However, if his memory chip is destroyed then Ace as everyone knows him would cease to be. [b]Other[/b]: Ace is heterosexual. Sadly, he can't have sex due to the aforementioned lack of extremities, but at least he can admire. Ace cannot get drunk, high, etc., but can taste things. More will be added overtime. [/hider]