[@Simple Unicycle] Thought you'd forgotten about us! I have 3 comments to make. #1- Is the pistol ballistic or laser? #2- is his armor plated or powered? and #3 We technically have our fill of pilots right now, between Stryker and Tibulus, but I'd have Stryker step down from full-time co-piloting if [@Banana] doesn't mind sharing the controls! Other than that, I think you're all set! Which leaves the matter of introduction, and I think that'll be mostly tied into when you'll be able to post. We've shipped out and are on the way to a mission location at the moment. If you're ready to jump in now, we could arrange a slight detour to pick you up. If you'd rather wait on the sidelines until we're a bit closer to ya having your computer fixed up, that'd be fine too, dealer's choice!