[@Dark Light] 1- Yup, I figured I'd mentioned that somewhere before, but there are a pair of bunks in the cockpit that fold out from the wall, in case the pilot (or as I guess will be the case moving forward, pilots) need a quick nap. That little stairway icon is meant to be ladders, so the bunks are down out of the way in a little lower area. The cockpit layout was inspired by Firefly when I was thinkin' it up. 2- Damn labourers indeed, they forgot to put a door in the cockpit as well. So henceforth anyone entering or exiting the cockpit need to crawl through the vents :lol 3- I haven't seen anyway to add text yet. Push comes to shove, I could probably import the image to paint and label it using the text tool there without screwin' it up too bad. The circle is meant to be the war room, though in a finalized version it'd probably be more so in the center so there's a hallway to walk around on either side of it, and a second door to accommodate the extra hallway. For reference in this rough version, from the cockpit back, we've got 6 gunner seats (might be upgraded to 10 if I can lengthen the ship out a bit more) then the emergency ladder, the war room, the stairs and elevator, armory, med bay opposite, toilet, doctor's study opposite captain's quarters, ladder to forward battery opposite. And hopefully that clears everything up! I'm doubtful I'll have time to sit down and do a more complete version of this, plus the other 3 floors, tomorrow, but sunday/monday for sure