Finn's phone rang. Normally this wouldn't be much of a problem, only this time he was in a rather odd situation. [b]"Can you just... Let me just..."[/b] Finn said, adjusting his grip so that one of his arms was wrapped securely around his torso. He fished his phone out of the pockets as the ringtone silenced itself. He scanned the message and he swore loudly. [b]"Thomas!"[/b] Finn said. [color=brown]"What?"[/color] The black haired boy replied, already looking at him. [b]"Blue guild distress call! We're being raided!"[/b] He exclaimed. That would explain the commotion outside. It was highly likely that the guild war had begun, white vs black, which meant their respective allies were also under the crosshairs, the blue and green guilds. It would be a theoretically even fight, although the odds would be slightly stacked against green considering their numbers were mainly newbies, but there was a reason they hadn't been steamrolled despite their odds and they were a formidable force regardless. No need to think about the white guild, they were powerhouses. The blue guild wouldn't lose out, but only if their king was there to command them. And right now, she wasn't. Thomas sighed and came to a decision. [color=brown]"Go, Finn."[/color] Thomas said. [b]"You don't need to tell me twice!"[/b] He said, quickly releasing Alex. [b]"Take care of my body, Tommy!"[/b] With that, Finn unceremoniously slumped onto a nearby wall as he dove into deep ground. Thomas clicked his tongue and shifted it into a slightly more comfortable position next to the practically comatose king. Thomas sighed once again; it seemed his workload had increased. He decided to study the blue king's prone form, poking her in the cheek. He tried listening for any signs of activity, or even life. He was sure she wasn't dying or anything... Actually, he wasn't. He didn't have any idea what was going on. [color=brown]"You, Alex."[/color] Thomas said, turning to the boy. [color=brown]"I don't know you very well, but I'm going to have to trust you."[/color] The boy was the only lead there was right now, and Thomas didn't have the resources to play this how he liked. He didn't quite know Alex that much but he was close enough to Maribel to be somewhat trustworthy. [color=brown]"Right now we need to get the blue king to wake up and be normal."[/color] He said. [color=brown]"If we don't, it's highly likely that there won't be a blue guild to be king of any more."[/color] [@McFazzer][@TheWindel] [hr] [center][b][h2][color=blue]Welcome, Blue Nova[/color][/h2][/b][/center] A white guild warrior with two swords chased a hapless blue guild rogue with no ammo. A classic scenario. The rogue sprinted around a corner in abject terror. The warrior followed closely behind, only to be brought to a screeching halt due to a liberal application of metal knuckles onto his face. The white warrior glanced around as best he could to find the owner of the fist that obstructed his stampede, seeing a figure shrouded by shadows. [color=blue][b]"Don't you think that's a little... stupid?"[/b][/color] The figure said. The arm behind the fist tensed and the figure's hand began emitting a harsh blue light, illuminating the figure's single eye. [color=blue][b]"Chasing an enemy through their own territory..."[/b][/color] Blue Nova said. [color=blue][b]"Just who the hell do you think we are!?"[/b][/color] The Blue Nova burst into action as his nova burst exploded out, sending his fist straight through the warrior's head. The body collapsed and disappeared into exp crystals as the Blue Nova stepped forward, cracking his neck. [color=blue][b]"People have no respect these days."[/b][/color] Blue Nova muttered. Behind him the rogue picked up the dropped exp and ran off, probably towards the citadel to get healed up and restock on ammo. Finn didn't really care about the exp so he let him go and stepped forward towards the frontline. [color=blue][i][b]Who's in charge around here? Bel's out cold, so it's probably Absynthe.[/b][/i][/color] Finn thought. He shuddered at that. There wasn't anything really wrong with the girl, it's just she wasn't exactly an ideal leader. And she was pretty new, he was worried about whether she'd gotten used to it yet. An explosion snapped Nova out of his musings and Finn remembered who he was and what he needed to do. He'd leave the thinking for Thomas, or Absynthe, or whoever it was that needed to think. He was Blue Nova, and he was here to fight. Blue Nova quickly jumped up to the top of a nearby wall to survey the carnage. [color=blue][b]"Hoo boy. This is way worse than I thought it was."[/b][/color] He said out loud. It would get worse if Bel didn't come back but no use worrying about that. Thomas would do something. He took a deep breath and declared his presence to the enemies nearby. [color=blue][b]"Hey, losers, don't you have something better to do than bully my guildmates!?"[/b][/color] He yelled. [color=blue][b]"You better be ready for the consequences, I aint stoppin till you drop!"[/b][/color] With that the Blue Nova jumped into the fray, fists ready to pound some dudes into the ground. [@KoL] and anyone who's blue side right now